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'03 Division Outlook - Page 4 Empty Re: '03 Division Outlook

Post by 2ddsinsoccer 09/11/12, 11:44 am

It is possible to play up the 1st year of Select. As long as the player is of age to go Select, then they may play up. My 98 played up with a 97 team her 1st year. Of course that was a while ago but I don't think it has changed.

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'03 Division Outlook - Page 4 Empty Re: '03 Division Outlook

Post by Guest 09/11/12, 11:46 am

B. Age Requirements:
1. It is desired that all teams be age pure. That is, all players on a team should be
born on or after August 1 and on or before July 31 of the following calendar year.
A player’s age is calculated as her age on July 31 of the current soccer year.

2. Younger players are allowed to play in an older age division with the consent of
their coach and parents. However, NTSSA rules state that any player who has not
attained the proper age to play Under 11 select soccer may not play up on a
competitive (select) team. Players must be 10 years old or older on July 31 to
participate in competitive soccer the following soccer year.

3. Teams will be placed in age divisions according to the age of their oldest player.

Last edited by Infinity04Dad on 09/11/12, 11:50 am; edited 1 time in total


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'03 Division Outlook - Page 4 Empty Re: '03 Division Outlook

Post by Guest 09/11/12, 11:49 am

So a U10 player is still an academy player. U10 can not play up and cross the select line.

Once a player is a select player, she can play up.


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'03 Division Outlook - Page 4 Empty Response to serum

Post by Argentina03 09/11/12, 12:15 pm

TruthSerum wrote:
2ddgotskillz wrote:Its going to take Dallas Texans and Sting to bring in some of there top coaches at this age to be able to compete with SRSA. Why would i take my dd "If i know shes a top 20 player in 03'"to a medium coach, when i can bring her to AS at SRSA an i know she is getting the best training over there. Until then i think this age group will remain the same. Imo course.

Hopefully with Sting bringing her in that it will keep the girls together and she is great coach and i think she will attract some top players.
You were on a role until you tried to compare AG to AS. To make the suggestion is to be really uninformed.

Don't believe what you read in bios. Here is a simple test using the forum ole timers. Randomly select and pm 10 parents from the 98, 99 and 00 forums and ask the following.

Excuse the delay. I've been meaning to address this. Whether a Sting supporter or not, the facts are the facts. I am all for stating the truth but if you are going to go on record making statements as facts, you might as well get them straight. Who cares which team you are supporting. Are we not all biased in some way? I challenge any denial of this. In regards to AG's 99's, her team was in Division 1 since its introduction into select. It has not ever dropped down into D2, and if I'm not mistaken, it has never gone below 7th place of D1 but has fluctuated between 3rd and 6th place from U11 to u13. Over half of her team went on to play in ECNL teams. This number was reduced by the couple of players that gave up soccer altogether in favor of other select sports, otherwise it would be even greater with only 4 of her girls not moving to ECNL teams. As for the '00s, if you are considering being anywhere from 3rd to 6th place of D1 for the past 5 seasons "mediocre" then you are not in touch with the reality of the elite quality of a team who can maintain this kind of ranking. To have managed to stay there this past season despite the absence of 3 severely injured starters, goes only to show the quality of the coaching. As well, it should be mentioned that the '00s were State Cup Finalists last year, and lost the final match 1-0 in overtime. Anyone who thinks this qualifies any team as "mediocre" has no knowledge of D1 soccer in NT. The beauty of rankings is that they are documented, and anyone who wants, can certainly look them up. Let the facts speak for themselves. As for the '01's, true facts have been stated about the surpassed expectations for a team that would have barely made D3 were it not for the coach. Making it to where they are is an accomplishment of great proportions. No need to make up stories... no matter who you are. AG being named to coach the '03s shows the confidence of the club that she will place yet another team in D1 after QT like she's done several times for Sting. Parents that fail to see the opportunity presented to them with this move should truly take the time to investigate, for themselves and stop listening to those who like to fabricate their own records (a desperate move). Coaching is not decided by whether you are the next ECNL coach or not. If that were the case, then all clubs are in trouble. .

1. Do you or did you have a child playing in LHGCL D1 while A. Gutierrez was coaching in the division. If the answer is yes then assure them of their secrecy and ask the following questions

2. What is ur opinion on her teams style of play (kick ball or possesion? Behavior on the field (dirty/cheap, hard, soft)? How many players on her team get on the field (does she use the bench or are they roster fillers)? How do her players do once they leave? Do others think of her as a developer? Is there any skill work at her practices?

Don't report back to the forum just keep what you find to yourself and your family.

AG had a 98 team that was relegated to D2 and non of those girls made Sting ECNL.

AG has a 99 team that was relegated to D2 (then repromoted to D1 because 5 teams went to ECNL). Only 3 girls made ECNL.

AG has an 00 that by lhgcl yearly standing is mediocre.

AG has an 01 team has been relegated to D2.

Getting the 03s is Sting saying this is your last shot to prove yourself. Or they giving up on her altogether. Her reputation precedes her. Ask around.

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'03 Division Outlook - Page 4 Empty Re: '03 Division Outlook

Post by RocketFish 09/11/12, 01:13 pm

GrandTXSoccer wrote:Looks like I picked a bad week to actually work and not log on. Well actually I didn't really miss anything new. We've got the traditional SRSA is the greatest academy team to ever be assembled in NTX (hard to argue anyone in the 03 group is really making much progress towards closing the gap). We have random rumors of a team imploding and then we have my favorite the random charge that a coach has multiple screen names/avatars and is really just carrying on conversations with himself at times (who knows if true but pretty freaking funny and sad if true).

I did enjoy the speeches about screen names and avatars.

Here's my prediction for this age group. Right now there is SRSA and then 8 pretty even teams. By the time qualifying comes around I think you will have enough movement that there will be 2 teams that will raise their level of play to at least challenge SRSA. Which teams will it be, I have no idea. From all the games I've watched this past year there is a ton of talent out there and here in the next few years they will all find themselves and shazam we will have multiple stud teams at this age group. Plus if what truth indicates is true and the coaches dd will play up in select then that will change things quite a bit as well.

It is a little to early for Happy Hour...As much as we all hate it, if you were to combine the top talent and have your pick of the age group (not from SRSA) you still wouldn't come close to them. There is no two teams with the best recruiting there is that will touch SRSA in the coming months before QT. Too bad the so called 'best recruiter' can't recruit to play himself.

Kuddos to DTS and their attempts to close the gap, but Grand you should focus on where your players have been training. Grapevine tells me lots of red being seen around the metroplex.

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'03 Division Outlook - Page 4 Empty Re: '03 Division Outlook

Post by GrandTXSoccer 09/11/12, 02:16 pm

Huh? I don't have any players training anywhere anymore.

If you don't think that there's enough talent spread out over the 03 group on the different teams that couldn't start for SRSA you are kidding yourself. Maybe there will be movement this winter maybe not, but there are some pretty good teams that can match SRSA players 1 through 4 or 5 but what makes SRSA so good is the depth of talent. Truly a fun team to watch. If there's no major changes, I agree that SRSA will continue to beat teams 6+.

The interesting thing is going to be watching SRSA B and see how they develop and what kids end up in that team. A few friends of mine have kids that have started practicing over there and the funny thing is they all think they are going to be in the A team Smile

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'03 Division Outlook - Page 4 Empty Re: '03 Division Outlook

Post by flygirl 09/11/12, 02:25 pm

GrandTXSoccer wrote:Huh? I don't have any players training anywhere anymore.

If you don't think that there's enough talent spread out over the 03 group on the different teams that couldn't start for SRSA you are kidding yourself. Maybe there will be movement this winter maybe not, but there are some pretty good teams that can match SRSA players 1 through 4 or 5 but what makes SRSA so good is the depth of talent. Truly a fun team to watch. If there's no major changes, I agree that SRSA will continue to beat teams 6+.

The interesting thing is going to be watching SRSA B and see how they develop and what kids end up in that team. A few friends of mine have kids that have started practicing over there and the funny thing is they all think they are going to be in the A team Smile

Good God, we just need a SRSA forum... time for chardonnay, I'm outta here. Good luck to all those playing this weekend.
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'03 Division Outlook - Page 4 Empty Re: '03 Division Outlook

Post by RocketFish 10/11/12, 10:43 am

flygirl wrote:
GrandTXSoccer wrote:Huh? I don't have any players training anywhere anymore.

If you don't think that there's enough talent spread out over the 03 group on the different teams that couldn't start for SRSA you are kidding yourself. Maybe there will be movement this winter maybe not, but there are some pretty good teams that can match SRSA players 1 through 4 or 5 but what makes SRSA so good is the depth of talent. Truly a fun team to watch. If there's no major changes, I agree that SRSA will continue to beat teams 6+.

The interesting thing is going to be watching SRSA B and see how they develop and what kids end up in that team. A few friends of mine have kids that have started practicing over there and the funny thing is they all think they are going to be in the A team Smile

Good God, we just need a SRSA forum... time for chardonnay, I'm outta here. Good luck to all those playing this weekend.

Nice try we know you are a SRSA homer...
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'03 Division Outlook - Page 4 Empty Re: '03 Division Outlook

Post by flygirl 10/11/12, 03:09 pm

RocketFish wrote:
flygirl wrote:
GrandTXSoccer wrote:Huh? I don't have any players training anywhere anymore.

If you don't think that there's enough talent spread out over the 03 group on the different teams that couldn't start for SRSA you are kidding yourself. Maybe there will be movement this winter maybe not, but there are some pretty good teams that can match SRSA players 1 through 4 or 5 but what makes SRSA so good is the depth of talent. Truly a fun team to watch. If there's no major changes, I agree that SRSA will continue to beat teams 6+.

The interesting thing is going to be watching SRSA B and see how they develop and what kids end up in that team. A few friends of mine have kids that have started practicing over there and the funny thing is they all think they are going to be in the A team Smile

Good God, we just need a SRSA forum... time for chardonnay, I'm outta here. Good luck to all those playing this weekend.

Nice try we know you are a SRSA homer...

And how would you come to such a conclusion fish?
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'03 Division Outlook - Page 4 Empty Re: '03 Division Outlook

Post by RocketFish 11/11/12, 08:24 pm

Rase '04 beat Sting West 2-1 in OT today. A big win by the top team in the '04 age group.

Very Happy Does this put the Rase group in the top 10 in the 03's? Very Happy
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'03 Division Outlook - Page 4 Empty Re: '03 Division Outlook

Post by Guest 11/11/12, 08:28 pm

Has to. It's another scalp to add to the growing list of 03 teams who have lost to this team.


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'03 Division Outlook - Page 4 Empty Re: '03 Division Outlook

Post by RocketFish 11/11/12, 08:34 pm

Besides the scalp of Sting West, who else have they beat in the Top 10?

Better yet what Top 20 teams have they beat? Anyone? Any Rase folks like to share?
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'03 Division Outlook - Page 4 Empty Re: '03 Division Outlook

Post by GrandTXSoccer 11/11/12, 08:56 pm

I believe they beat 03 Dalglish 1-0 over the summer. I'd say RASE would be competitive against most of the top 10 03s. Now they would probably lose more than they would win but they can definitely hold their own.

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'03 Division Outlook - Page 4 Empty Re: '03 Division Outlook

Post by Guest 11/11/12, 09:09 pm

I'm more familiar with the 04 age group but according to GotSoccer over the past year or so they have beaten Polaris Black 3-1, 5-1 (ranked 14th), LP Rush 4-1 (13th), Sting Parker 5-0, 3-0, 4-2 (18th); DTS Barakat 5-1, 3-1 (17th), LP Keegan 2-1 (15th), Vitesse 1-0 (10th), Cosmos Black 1-0 (12th), LP Dalglish 1-0 (4th), and Sting West 2-1 (9th)


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'03 Division Outlook - Page 4 Empty Re: '03 Division Outlook

Post by flygirl 11/11/12, 09:12 pm

RocketFish wrote:Rase '04 beat Sting West 2-1 in OT today. A big win by the top team in the '04 age group.

Very Happy Does this put the Rase group in the top 10 in the 03's? Very Happy

Sorry another strike fish...

Sting w. had one win with full strength in tgpl. They were down 3 good players in this bout. Keep dreaming about rase being a top 10 03' team with this win. There is plenty of better competition in the 04s for them...
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'03 Division Outlook - Page 4 Empty Re: '03 Division Outlook

Post by Rookie 11/11/12, 09:38 pm

[quote="SoftballDad"]I'm more familiar with the 04 age group but according to GotSoccer over the past year or so they have beaten.........Sting Parker 5-0, 3-0, 4-2 (18th).......

softballdad please don't count that crap from a year ago...we were just out a rec.
And I for do believe that RASE would be a top10 03 team
But it's the more recent games that support that
Labor Day wins over Cosmos and LPD and this weekend's wins over
Polaris, and Sting West
If you include last years data it will hurt your argument due to lack of quality 03 wins

Last edited by Rookie on 11/11/12, 09:48 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Spelling)
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'03 Division Outlook - Page 4 Empty Re: '03 Division Outlook

Post by Guest 11/11/12, 09:46 pm

flygirl wrote:
RocketFish wrote:Rase '04 beat Sting West 2-1 in OT today. A big win by the top team in the '04 age group.

Very Happy Does this put the Rase group in the top 10 in the 03's? Very Happy

Sorry another strike fish...

Sting w. had one win with full strength in tgpl. They were down 3 good players in this bout. Keep dreaming about rase being a top 10 03' team with this win. There is plenty of better competition in the 04s for them...

RASE is easily a top 10 team and they play good soccer, which is a bonus!


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'03 Division Outlook - Page 4 Empty Re: '03 Division Outlook

Post by RocketFish 11/11/12, 09:52 pm

After watching Liverpool Dalglish beat DT South few weeks back, I would be surprised if Rase would even give LP '03 a game ?? A 4 to 5 margin of victory by big sis would be the outcome just saying.... What a Face
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'03 Division Outlook - Page 4 Empty Re: '03 Division Outlook

Post by Lobo_Momma 11/11/12, 09:56 pm

Both teams coached by LW so i would expect them to cancel each other out!
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'03 Division Outlook - Page 4 Empty Re: '03 Division Outlook

Post by flygirl 12/11/12, 06:25 am

RocketFish wrote:After watching Liverpool Dalglish beat DT South few weeks back, I would be surprised if Rase would even give LP '03 a game ?? A 4 to 5 margin of victory by big sis would be the outcome just saying.... What a Face

Now that is 100% accurate mr fish. All the rasers forget how many times daglish has beat them... Daglish is also a stronger team than they were Labor Day.

Rase would be in the 10-15 range in 03s as they have been for the last year. They have done noyhing to change that - Just ask gophers...

Then they may be excused to go cause trouble on their own forum.
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'03 Division Outlook - Page 4 Empty Re: '03 Division Outlook

Post by BumpyPitch 12/11/12, 07:15 am

TruthSerum wrote:
ddsgotgame wrote:
TruthSerum wrote:
2ddgotskillz wrote:Its going to take Dallas Texans and Sting to bring in some of there top coaches at this age to be able to compete with SRSA. Why would i take my dd "If i know shes a top 20 player in 03'"to a medium coach, when i can bring her to AS at SRSA an i know she is getting the best training over there. Until then i think this age group will remain the same. Imo course.

Hopefully with Sting bringing her in that it will keep the girls together and she is great coach and i think she will attract some top players.
You were on a role until you tried to compare AG to AS. To make the suggestion is to be really uninformed.

Don't believe what you read in bios. Here is a simple test using the forum ole timers. Randomly select and pm 10 parents from the 98, 99 and 00 forums and ask the following.

1. Do you or did you have a child playing in LHGCL D1 while A. Gutierrez was coaching in the division. If the answer is yes then assure them of their secrecy and ask the following questions

2. What is ur opinion on her teams style of play (kick ball or possesion? Behavior on the field (dirty/cheap, hard, soft)? How many players on her team get on the field (does she use the bench or are they roster fillers)? How do her players do once they leave? Do others think of her as a developer? Is there any skill work at her practices?

Don't report back to the forum just keep what you find to yourself and your family.

AG had a 98 team that was relegated to D2 and non of those girls made Sting ECNL.

AG has a 99 team that was relegated to D2 (then repromoted to D1 because 5 teams went to ECNL). Only 3 girls made ECNL.

AG has an 00 that by lhgcl yearly standing is mediocre.

AG has an 01 team has been relegated to D2.

Getting the 03s is Sting saying this is your last shot to prove yourself. Or they giving up on her altogether. Her reputation precedes her. Ask around.

DM - is that you? Back to your old tricks?
Dang folks - A new coach is mentioned and it takes less than three hours for anonymous new posters to try to totally assassinate them.

I note that AS is three spots above AG on this link.

Thanks for p*ssing on my flowers. Evil or Very Mad
Thanks I never thought to look at the gotsoccer ranking. That is good news. She is in prime position to take over the '00 ECNL team then right?

AG is in prime position to take over the '00 ECNL team then right ?

No! In fact, her '00 team was moved to KMedina this weekend because parents were not happy at all. KM responded by appointing himself. This is a great move by Sting to prepare for ECNL and competing against AS and SB for the top players in the age group. The 2000 now will have the very best three coaches in north Texas in preparation to ECNL.

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'03 Division Outlook - Page 4 Empty Re: '03 Division Outlook

Post by go99 12/11/12, 07:20 am

You can all put it to rest. RASE is not trying to be a top 10 03 team. We are looking for competition and bigger faster opponents to take away our girls athletic advantadge and force them to play. Rase has beat Dalglish but has lost way more than they won. Every game has been close and competative which is all we are looking for. We would love to win every 03 game we play but more realistically we hope to not waste a 03 teams time and make it a competative game. So no 03 scalps, no top 10, just good hard fought competition to prepare us for qualifying which for us is more than a year away. Thanks for the 03 bump, but no thanks.

Oh! look out for this big sister team Dalglish 03. Not sure anyone will challenge SRSA but go Dalglish cheers
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'03 Division Outlook - Page 4 Empty Re: '03 Division Outlook

Post by flygirl 12/11/12, 07:29 am

go99 wrote:You can all put it to rest. RASE is not trying to be a top 10 03 team. We are looking for competition and bigger faster opponents to take away our girls athletic advantadge and force them to play. Rase has beat Dalglish but has lost way more than they won. Every game has been close and competative which is all we are looking for. We would love to win every 03 game we play but more realistically we hope to not waste a 03 teams time and make it a competative game. So no 03 scalps, no top 10, just good hard fought competition to prepare us for qualifying which for us is more than a year away. Thanks for the 03 bump, but no thanks.

Oh! look out for this big sister team Dalglish 03. Not sure anyone will challenge SRSA but go Dalglish cheers

Now that is an acceptable response. Rase and other talented 04s are always a welcome competitor in the 03s- as long as there parents behave! Smile and 99, I do so much miss your donkey avatar...
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'03 Division Outlook - Page 4 Empty Re: '03 Division Outlook

Post by RocketFish 12/11/12, 07:48 am

Softball dad believes the 2-1 w in OT doesn't reflect how much RASE dominated and how SW packed the box. If so, how did RASE go down 1-0 to tie it late to put it into OT? SW should have won  cheers
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'03 Division Outlook - Page 4 Empty Re: '03 Division Outlook

Post by go99 12/11/12, 08:18 am

I reposted this just for you rocketfish

was a little surprised to see sting come out so defensive. Maybe it's their style of play. They are well coached, disciplined, team. They didn't get spread out, chase the ball, or lose their shape and showed something defensively our girls hadn't seen before. A very tough nut to crack and our girls showed some character to be behind in a tough situation were nothing you try seems to work. They kept pushing, kept working hard and didn't panic and were fortunate enough to get the win.

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'03 Division Outlook - Page 4 Empty Re: '03 Division Outlook

Post by GeorgiaDawg 12/11/12, 08:25 am

RocketFish wrote:
Softball dad believes the 2-1 w in OT doesn't reflect how much RASE dominated and how SW packed the box. If so, how did RASE go down 1-0 to tie it late to put it into OT? SW should have won  cheers

That is so lame. We scored first so we should have won???

Here Ye, Here Ye, new NTX soccer rule---the team that scores first should win!

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'03 Division Outlook - Page 4 Empty Re: '03 Division Outlook

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