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Progressive Youth League PYL Empty Progressive Youth League PYL

Post by lampard8 15/07/13, 04:35 pm

any interest in PYL at Fairview complex this fall? here are is some info to help spark some interest.

Under 6 7v7 $500 30 x 50 6 x 12 3 10 Min. Qtrs. No
Under 7 7v7 $500 30 x 50 6 x 21 3 10 Min. Qtrs. No
Under 8 9v9 $600 50 x 80 7 x 21 3 25 Min. Halves. Yes
Under 9 9v9 $600 50 x 80 7 x 21 4 25 Min. Halves. Yes
Under 10 11v11 $600 80 x 115 8 x 24 4 25 Min. Halves. Yes
Under 11 11v11 $600 80 x 115 8 x 24 4 30 Min. Halves. Yes
Under 12 11v11 $600 80 x 115 8 x 24 4 30 Min. Halves. Yes
Under 13 11v11 $600 80 x 115 8 x 24 5 30 Min. Halves. Yes
Under 14 11v11 $600 80 x 115 8 x 24 5 35 Min. Halves. Yes

TxSoccer Poster
TxSoccer Poster

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Progressive Youth League PYL Empty Re: Progressive Youth League PYL

Post by TatonkaBurger 15/07/13, 05:44 pm

lampard8 wrote:any interest in PYL at Fairview complex this fall? here are is some info to help spark some interest.

Under 6 7v7 $500 30 x 50 6 x 12 3 10 Min. Qtrs. No
Under 7 7v7 $500 30 x 50 6 x 21 3 10 Min. Qtrs. No
Under 8 9v9 $600 50 x 80 7 x 21 3 25 Min. Halves. Yes
Under 9 9v9 $600 50 x 80 7 x 21 4 25 Min. Halves. Yes
Under 10 11v11 $600 80 x 115 8 x 24 4 25 Min. Halves. Yes
Under 11 11v11 $600 80 x 115 8 x 24 4 30 Min. Halves. Yes
Under 12 11v11 $600 80 x 115 8 x 24 4 30 Min. Halves. Yes
Under 13 11v11 $600 80 x 115 8 x 24 5 30 Min. Halves. Yes
Under 14 11v11 $600 80 x 115 8 x 24 5 35 Min. Halves. Yes

Saturdays?  Sundays?  Both?
TxSoccer Addict
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Progressive Youth League PYL Empty Re: Progressive Youth League PYL

Post by lampard8 15/07/13, 06:29 pm

PYL can schedule games at your convenience on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Reasons being to allow for you to play in other leagues as well but still participate in PYL

TxSoccer Poster
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Progressive Youth League PYL Empty Re: Progressive Youth League PYL

Post by coachdom23 17/07/13, 09:52 am

Other options in include:

Carrollton Farmers Branch Academy League

Dallas Invitational Academy League

Elite Academy League

Super Development League

PrimeTime Sports and TGPL

United Academy League

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Progressive Youth League PYL Empty Re: Progressive Youth League PYL

Post by SD69 17/07/13, 09:54 am

coachdom23 wrote:Other options in include:

Carrollton Farmers Branch Academy League

Dallas Invitational Academy League

Elite Academy League

Super Development League

PrimeTime Sports and TGPL

United Academy League

Nicely done!!
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Progressive Youth League PYL Empty Re: Progressive Youth League PYL

Post by mommabear1 17/07/13, 09:58 am

Do U11 and older teams sometimes play both LH and another league?

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Progressive Youth League PYL Empty Re: Progressive Youth League PYL

Post by Guest 17/07/13, 10:10 am

No, top level team will play between 5-6 tournaments 4 of those will be nationally ranked 6500- 7600 points plus state cup 17-20 LHGCL games. Should be between 50-60 matches depending on how far you can advance in tournaments.


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Progressive Youth League PYL Empty Re: Progressive Youth League PYL

Post by lampard8 17/07/13, 12:29 pm

PYL can schedule games on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. This is a great opportunity to play in another competitive league while still being able to compete in other leagues as well. Many teams use this as a chance to play meaningful games against different competition at their convenience. Things like playing time for players, changing formations, and extra time on the field are always huge pluses we hear from teams who participate in PYL.

For example, a team may play in SDL on Sunday however play a PDL match Friday or early Sat morning to try out different formation and/ get players he/she knows will not see significant playing time in SDL.

not to mention the cost and facilities

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Progressive Youth League PYL Empty Re: Progressive Youth League PYL

Post by SD69 17/07/13, 12:57 pm

Better shield BWG's FBR from results of games for this to happen!
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Progressive Youth League PYL Empty Re: Progressive Youth League PYL

Post by lampard8 17/07/13, 01:01 pm

BWG and FBR being? sorry, all new to the Forum Lingo

TxSoccer Poster
TxSoccer Poster

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Progressive Youth League PYL Empty Re: Progressive Youth League PYL

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