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first year experience ECNL Empty first year experience ECNL

Post by flippinA 17/03/14, 09:56 am

i saw a poll on this topic. How about some comments on your first years experience in ECNL?
what can are somethings that people should know that are interested in pursuing... Pros and Cons
TxSoccer Postmaster
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first year experience ECNL Empty Re: first year experience ECNL

Post by outonthelimb 17/03/14, 11:46 am

IMO, the "experience" isn't very different than LHGCL. ECNL isn't this big scary thing that some may think it is.

1. The girls practice the same number of times / week for the same # of hours as they have since they started select at u11
2. The girls play essentially the same number of league games (18) and tournaments / showcases (4-5) as they have since they started select at u11
3. It's the same faces and the same game sites that you've seen since u11.

1. Practices are generally faster pace and more competitive because you have a team full of like minded, similar ability and competitive girls. There isn't a big talent disparity from the top to bottom of the roster.
2. You get to spend 1 night in Austin, 1 night in Tulsa, 3 nights in Houston (spread over 2 trips), 2 nights at your u14 Showcase Event (TX conference play in Kansas City this year) and 3 nights at the u14 Championships (if you qualify). With the exception of the Championships all of the trips are within driving distance
3. Games are more competitive and much more physical. The talent level is higher and girls are use to practicing faster/harder so they play the same way.
4. New substitution rule whereby once you are subbed you can only reenter the game in the next half. Depending on the talent distribution on the team and your coach this rule could significantly impact playing time for your child (positively or negatively).
5. The only thing that matters are the results. Coaches play and substitute (or not substitute) with winning in mind at all times.
TxSoccer Postmaster
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first year experience ECNL Empty Re: first year experience ECNL

Post by tschlurker 17/03/14, 03:48 pm

If you are saying the U14 year in ECNL is not much different than the U13 year in LH, perhaps that is accurate. If you are saying LH and ECNL will provide the same experience from U14 going forward, that would not seem logical. Once ECNL starts for an age group, LH will generally be populated with non-A level teams in that age group.

ECNL seems designed for and probably fits best for kids that want to play in college.

TxSoccer Poster
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