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Fall Premier Cup November 4-6 U19G Team List Pixel
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Fall Premier Cup November 4-6 U19G Team List

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Fall Premier Cup November 4-6 U19G Team List Empty Fall Premier Cup November 4-6 U19G Team List

Post by GLASA 14/10/16, 03:18 pm

2016 Fall Premier Cup

November 4-6, 2016
Railroad Park Lewisville, Lake Park Lewisville and Chinn Chapel Flower Mound

Registration Deadline: October 24, 2016

Academy U7 thru U8 = 4v4 No Keeper, roster max 8, $225
Academy U8 = 7v7, roster max 12, $325
Academy U9 thu U10 = 7v7, roster max 12, $325
Academy U10 = 9v9, roster max 16, $375
U11 thru U12 = 9v9, roster max 16, $425
U12 thru U14 = 11v11, roster max 18, $525
U15 thru U19 = 11v11, roster max 22, $575

NTSSA sanctioned tournament
US Club rosters accepted with no additional fee
Will work around league games for the teams in the tournament
Agreement with Plano. Teams in Plano Premier League and in tournament will not have a PPL game that weekend
Discount given to coaches with multiple teams
Electronic and remote check-in available
Out of town teams that book hotel rooms through GCI travel will receive discounts on registration fee. Information on website.

Online registration CLICK HERE

Tournament information page CLICK HERE


Tournament Director: Mike Malone with 10 years experience running and scheduling soccer tournaments
Please call the GLASA office with any questions. 972-221-4623 or email
After business hours questions to
TxSoccer Postmaster
TxSoccer Postmaster

Posts : 479
Points : 4900
Join date : 2013-10-10
Location : Lewisville, TX

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Fall Premier Cup November 4-6 U19G Team List Empty Re: Fall Premier Cup November 4-6 U19G Team List

Post by GLASA 21/10/16, 03:03 pm

A few more days to the registration deadline.

We will always work around league games for teams in the tournament!
Discounts for coaches who have multiple teams in the tournament!
Discounts for traveling teams who book through GCI travel!

Keep in mind that our fees are some of the lowest!
TxSoccer Postmaster
TxSoccer Postmaster

Posts : 479
Points : 4900
Join date : 2013-10-10
Location : Lewisville, TX

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