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Liverpool Red White & Blue Cup - Teams needed List
Liverpool Red White & Blue Cup - Teams needed List
We are still hoping to add a few more teams to make for more ideal brackets. Below is a list of what we need. Please reach out to Becki Smorynski if you have any questions - 214-718-7568 /
Needed teams - Boys - U7, U10, U11, U15, U16, Girls - U7, U8, U9, U10, U12, U13, U15, U16 & U17 (U17 & U18 will most likely be combined)
The tournament takes place Dec. 8 - 10 @ McInnish, RE Good and Five Star.
US Club & NTX rosters accepted
Offering a coaches hospitality tent, managers gifts, and much much more !!!!
Liverpool Tournaments- TxSoccer Poster
- Posts : 30
Points : 2599
Join date : 2017-11-18
» Liverpool Red White & Blue Cup - Teams needed List
» Liverpool Red White & Blue Cup - Teams needed List
» Liverpool Red White & Blue Cup - Teams needed List
» America's Red, White & Blue Cup- Few teams needed