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Liverpool FCIAA 06B Alonso CL D3  Pixel
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Liverpool FCIAA 06B Alonso CL D3

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Liverpool FCIAA 06B Alonso CL D3  Empty Liverpool FCIAA 06B Alonso CL D3

Post by txtiger24 21/05/18, 03:25 pm

We are currently holding open sessions and are looking for a couple of players to add to our already great group of player and families.

We train Monday and Wednesdays 6:00PM at the Blue Sky Colony (outdoor fields)

Boys are coached by Boys Director of Coaching - Tom Blencoe

TxSoccer Poster
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Liverpool FCIAA 06B Alonso CL D3  Empty Re: Liverpool FCIAA 06B Alonso CL D3

Post by txtiger24 23/05/18, 03:12 pm

We train tonight 6:00pm at the Colony Blue Sky

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Liverpool FCIAA 06B Alonso CL D3  Empty Re: Liverpool FCIAA 06B Alonso CL D3

Post by txtiger24 01/06/18, 01:59 pm

Open sessions again next week Monday and Wednesday at blue sky the Colony.

Coach Tom Blencoe (Boys DOC)


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Liverpool FCIAA 06B Alonso CL D3  Empty Re: Liverpool FCIAA 06B Alonso CL D3

Post by txtiger24 03/06/18, 02:14 pm

Boys qualified for Classic Leage D3 for 18/19 season

They will train Wed this week 6:00pm at blue sky the Colony.

Team is coached by Boys Director of Coaching “Tom Blencoe “

Looking to add a couple of hard working enthusiastic players that are eager to develop in a positive learning environment.

Manager: Melanie Mayhaw - ‭+1 (214) 277-1840‬

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Liverpool FCIAA 06B Alonso CL D3  Empty Re: Liverpool FCIAA 06B Alonso CL D3

Post by You'reWrongI'mRight 03/06/18, 04:06 pm

Great job qualifying without your players. Are you looking to add players to replace those ringers you played with?

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TxSoccer Lurker
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Liverpool FCIAA 06B Alonso CL D3  Empty Re: Liverpool FCIAA 06B Alonso CL D3

Post by TexasBill 03/06/18, 04:40 pm

You'reWrongI'mRight wrote:Great job qualifying without your players. Are you looking to add players to replace those ringers you played with?

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That was very cheeky how they snuck Mo Salah out there. ????

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Liverpool FCIAA 06B Alonso CL D3  Empty Liverpool FCIAA 06B Alonso CL D3

Post by You'reWrongI'mRight 03/06/18, 04:46 pm

Not even close.. Mo Salah is a baller, plus he wouldn’t play for anyone but his own true team.

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Liverpool FCIAA 06B Alonso CL D3  Empty Re: Liverpool FCIAA 06B Alonso CL D3

Post by TexasTwizzler 04/06/18, 01:34 pm

Interesting that this team was advertising as "CL D3" before they even qualified.  I guess some coaches just know Surprised

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Liverpool FCIAA 06B Alonso CL D3  Empty Re: Liverpool FCIAA 06B Alonso CL D3

Post by btb 04/06/18, 06:57 pm

Thetwizzler wrote:Interesting that this team was advertising as "CL D3" before they even qualified.  I guess some coaches just know Surprised

I am going to go out on a limb and say that there was an open bye because 06 Gerrard/Wright was posting about them being D1 now and the former D1 team is now ECNL? The coach is listed as Director of Boys Coaching too. He would have known this.

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Liverpool FCIAA 06B Alonso CL D3  Empty Re: Liverpool FCIAA 06B Alonso CL D3

Post by TexasTwizzler 05/06/18, 01:34 pm

You’re right.  LP Redknapp is going to ECNL and LP Gerrard will take their place in D1 leaving a D3 bye open for LP Dalglish (based on prior posts).  Now LP Alonso has “qualified” with a little help from their ECNL friends to ensure everyone gets to play Classic! cheers

TxSoccer Lurker
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Liverpool FCIAA 06B Alonso CL D3  Empty Re: Liverpool FCIAA 06B Alonso CL D3

Post by futbol10 05/06/18, 10:55 pm

Let’s be honest...
Liverpool is concerned about making money and keeping teams on top leagues is priority. Can’t blame the club business. Makes the club look like they can coach by having players on Classic.

Coach is trying to keep a job and get paid. Dignity goes out the window when he has bills. Can’t blame him.

Parents, they choose to have their players play for the coach and Club. I blame the parents fully for choosing to keep afloat and support their dirty business. Shame on the parents.

TxSoccer Lurker
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Liverpool FCIAA 06B Alonso CL D3  Empty Re: Liverpool FCIAA 06B Alonso CL D3

Post by AlittleBitofSanity 06/06/18, 09:02 am

futbol10 wrote:Let’s be honest...
Liverpool is concerned about making money and keeping teams on top leagues is priority. Can’t blame the club business. Makes the club look like they can coach by having players on Classic.

Coach is trying to keep a job and get paid. Dignity goes out the window when he has bills. Can’t blame him.

Parents, they choose to have their players play for the coach and Club. I blame the parents fully for choosing to keep afloat and support their dirty business. Shame on the parents.

wait a minute- you are saying that the club is only concerned with making money? how long has your kid been playing soccer? all big clubs do this. you probably take your kid to multiple tryouts every year and try to place him on a classic team. how are you any different?

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Liverpool FCIAA 06B Alonso CL D3  Empty Re: Liverpool FCIAA 06B Alonso CL D3

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