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LC United 06B (Corinth/Denton area)
LC United 06B (Corinth/Denton area)
I coach for free but we supplement with higher licensed skill coaches a few times per month. Total annual cost will be around $900-$1100 and that includes uniform kit, league fees, supplemental skills coach, supplemental goalie training, and at least 2 local tournaments.
In keeping with balance, we have taken the month of June off and will start going after July 4th. Our official tryouts will be July 7th, 9-11a at the Lake Dallas High school practice fields. Please contact Matthew White (coach) if you are interested but can't make the tryouts or if you have any questions about the team.
Re: LC United 06B (Corinth/Denton area)
» LC United 06 (Corinth/Denton area) - 1-2 more players
» LC United 06B Open Practices (Corinth/Denton area)
» LC United 06 (Corinth/Denton area) - Need couple of players
» LC United 06 Boys looking for players (Corinth/Denton area)