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Soccer game quiz
Soccer game quiz
Q. Which of these star soccer players has never played for Real Madrid?
A: Lionel Messi
Q. According to the official FIFA rulebook, how long can a goalkeeper hold onto the ball for?
A: 5 seconds More soccer knowledge quiz
Q. Anfield is the home of which English Premier League club?
A: Liverpool
Q. Which of these players has never played for Manchester United?
A: Bobby Moore
Re: Soccer game quiz
Questionsgemss wrote:Soccer fans are found everywhere. So, I call on to all of them. Wear your cleats and whizz past this quiz to know more about soccer.
Q. Which of these star soccer players has never played for Real Madrid?
A: Lionel Messi
Q. According to the official FIFA rulebook, how long can a goalkeeper hold onto the ball for?
A: 5 seconds More soccer knowledge quiz
Q. Anfield is the home of which English Premier League club?
A: Liverpool
Q. Which of these players has never played for Manchester United?
A: Bobby Moore
Checkpoint Charlie- TxSoccer Postmaster
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