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What makes a better coach?

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What makes a better coach? Empty What makes a better coach?

Post by wpm 24/06/19, 03:41 pm

Just curious on others input and opinions?

Do you feel having a coach that played soccer in college, regardless of Division level NCAA/NCIA makes them a better coach, over a coach who did not play in college?

Would you rather have a coach for your child that played some kind of pro soccer over someone who only played in college?

Would like to hear others views and why they think the way they think the way they do?

TxSoccer Lurker
TxSoccer Lurker

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What makes a better coach? Empty Re: What makes a better coach?

Post by Maradona 24/06/19, 04:07 pm

You want a coach who can talk to both players and parents, grow the child's love for the game and help them develop as a player. You seem focused on totally the wrong things IMO.

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What makes a better coach? Empty Re: What makes a better coach?

Post by wpm 24/06/19, 04:14 pm

Maradona-, I have not stated what my thoughts or focus is one way or the other. Was curious on others thoughts if it made a difference or not if what a coach did or did not to as a player

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TxSoccer Lurker
TxSoccer Lurker

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What makes a better coach? Empty Re: What makes a better coach?

Post by Yo 24/06/19, 04:31 pm

The level they played doesn't matter. I do like a technical base so they can at least demonstrate, but I know terrific coaches who never played past HS and some real losers who were pros.

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What makes a better coach? Empty Re: What makes a better coach?

Post by timmyh 24/06/19, 04:36 pm

It wouldn't be near the Top 5 things that I would use to evaluate a coach.

I guess I would rather have a coach who played at a higher level than one who didn't, but as Maradona alluded to it wouldn't really factor in any decision I would make until my kid was well past old enough to make their own decisions.

Past experience for having played at a high level is pretty much entirely irrelevant in determining a coaches quality to teach and develop younger ages (Zone 1 in US Soccer parlance) and then becomes mildly more relevant to coaching quality as a player ages. I would say that playing experience isnt really all that relevant until a player reaches late high school and beyond (late Zone 2 and Zone 3).

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What makes a better coach? Empty Re: What makes a better coach?

Post by Checkpoint Charlie 25/06/19, 09:31 am

Checkpoint Charlie
Checkpoint Charlie
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