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With all this time on my hands with the corona virus
With all this time on my hands with the corona virus
This letter/note/email is to inform your soccer club about Coach Paul Simon Annis previously with Solar FC. This information I hope will serve you in making a decision about employment of Coach Annis if he ever decides to reach out to your club for employment. I hope you will take this letter seriously and think about the type of people we want around our children. A person of good moral character and honor who will not only teach our kids the game of soccer but the game of life.
Coach Simon, had an extramarital affair with my wife while my daughter played on his team. These two people never not once thought of their families, their children, their spouses, or the team. It was a very selfish act and has destroyed two marriages and has crippled at least one soccer team. I will spare you the details but their immoral behavior was conducted in and around the soccer team/girls and my daughter.
The lack of professionalism, honor, integrity, and moral values should be concerning to you and your club. A coaches job, in my opinion and because I am one, is to put the team and players first. You should Coach your tail off and do everything you can to put your kids in a position to be successful. This selfish act has been like a tornado, it is one storm yet it has affected so many lives from team parents, the athletes, and the siblings of athletes. I’m not sure when the ripple effect will end. It put no one in a position to be successful. The team chemistry and culture suffered immensely.
In September with his affair not a secret any longer and in full Dribble our girls played in the Plano Labor day tournament in September. Simon missed 1/2 of a game on Friday and never even showed up for the Saturday game. Told the girls some BS about he wanted to see how they reacted and played without him. What a crock of crap! Tried to Coach them up via FaceTime at half or before the game, I can’t remember. No coach worth his salt wants to miss a game. Again, no reason as to why he did not do his job. Just a total lack of professionalism!
A few months later Simon abandoned his team with no reason as to why he was gone. I don’t know the reason, but I would suspect green card issues because of his own marriage being dissolved, he’s from England. His lack of professionalism and leadership left the team without a Coach and a direction. Approximately 3-3 1/2 months after his abandonment Simon resigned his position with no explanation. Pure abandonment!
My soon to be ex-wife Caree McKethan, aka. Caree Brown, aka. Caree Ridenour is also to blame and the affair does not ride solely on Simon. Caree also coaches skills and has been a high school coach at a few different schools. Caree’s actions are just as outrageous as Simon’s. I would also caution you when making a decision to hire Caree for skills or any other position due to her lack of moral character and professionalism.
As coaches our impact should be a positive one and should always build our children up. I think Simon lost sight of that goal and focused on what made himself feel good. His self-indulgence caused him to lose focus on his job and therefore, Simon has had a negative impact on this group of girls. Simon did not meet his obligations of teaching these girls the game of life.
My only hope is that the negative impact of what happened to this team, as the result of two grown adults selfishness, does not change these young impressionable lives in an adverse way.
Feel free to contact me if you have any more questions and I will do my best to answer them. Do your due diligence and research it yourself. Don’t just take my word for it. Don’t just hire a coach, hire a man/woman with honor, integrity, and good values and you will be putting your kids in a place to be successful. Remember it’s not all about the win column. It’s about developing work ethic,character, integrity and self discipline. Simon, by his actions, lacks having these qualities.
Brian McKethan
Pele- TxSoccer Poster
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Join date : 2017-05-24
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