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TEXAS SPIRIT 07 - Clark LH D-2 bye. Pixel
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TEXAS SPIRIT 07 - Clark LH D-2 bye.

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TEXAS SPIRIT 07 - Clark LH D-2 bye. Empty TEXAS SPIRIT 07 - Clark LH D-2 bye.

Post by acst 26/05/20, 01:55 am

Texas Spirit 07 - Clark.  Lake Highlands D-2 bye.

Practices have begun, Monday/Wednesday evenings 6 pm & 7 pm starts.

Locations are Plano Pit & or Allen C P.

Contact for more details:
Coach Adam Clark
214-206-5811/text, call. PM.
Director of Coaching - Plano
& OR
Tiffiny 07' manager

TxSoccer Postmaster
TxSoccer Postmaster

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Join date : 2009-06-28
Location : Plano/Mcknney

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TEXAS SPIRIT 07 - Clark LH D-2 bye. Empty Re: TEXAS SPIRIT 07 - Clark LH D-2 bye.

Post by acst 03/06/20, 12:20 pm

TSSC 07 girls practice schedule is :

Monday/Wednesday 7-830pm @ Pit Plano (4401 14th street)

Great returning group of players and parents. This is a Family!  
WE have only 2 max roster spots for field player(s).

Check us out and contact us.  Smile

TxSoccer Postmaster
TxSoccer Postmaster

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Location : Plano/Mcknney

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TEXAS SPIRIT 07 - Clark LH D-2 bye. Empty Re: TEXAS SPIRIT 07 - Clark LH D-2 bye.

Post by acst 14/06/20, 08:13 pm

Practices this week MONDAY WEDNESDAY 7-830 PM. Pit Plano

ADDED TOURNAMENT June 26-28th. Could use a couple guest players/field.

TxSoccer Postmaster
TxSoccer Postmaster

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Location : Plano/Mcknney

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TEXAS SPIRIT 07 - Clark LH D-2 bye. Empty Re: TEXAS SPIRIT 07 - Clark LH D-2 bye.

Post by acst 19/06/20, 11:30 am

Guest players welcome for our tournament 26-28th.

A roster spot or two is open. Come join the fun while competing at a good level. Great people, coach, club and the players love it!

GCL and tournament play is our focus.

TxSoccer Postmaster
TxSoccer Postmaster

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Join date : 2009-06-28
Location : Plano/Mcknney

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TEXAS SPIRIT 07 - Clark LH D-2 bye. Empty TX Spirit 07 is a solid Team, great coach and great families

Post by aggiecatholic 29/06/20, 10:10 am

MY Daughter has been with Coach Adam and this TX Spirit team for 2 years now, about to start year 3.
The team and the philosophy is SECOND TO NONE. We have a coach has all the credentials of every other high ranking coach in town and it has shown in the improvement of my daughter and the team in general. I look for a coach who will attack a players issues but never attack their character ...that IS Coach Adam.
I truly believe this team has helped her to grow as a young teen in confidence and skill.

Our Families help each other out, get along well and lack the drama I have seen within other clubs....
WE have 16 of 17 returning players coming back and I believe were looking for one or 2 more IF they helped us to be better. I KNOW we can use a FORWARD since one of our depth forwards left.
I know everyone says there team is great so check us out to see if it is true...
Come on out, check us out on MON or WED practices if your still looking for a quality team ....

ContactContact for more details:
Coach Adam Clark
214-206-5811/text, call. PM.
Director of Coaching - Plano
& OR
Tiffiny 07' manager

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Join date : 2018-05-17

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TEXAS SPIRIT 07 - Clark LH D-2 bye. Empty Re: TEXAS SPIRIT 07 - Clark LH D-2 bye.

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