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Evolution 11B Goldie
Evolution 11B Goldie
Practices: Tuesday (Meadowmere Park Grapevine) 6:15-7:15
Thursday (CSA Practice Fields Colleyville) 6:15-7:15
Saturday (CSA Practice Fields Colleyville) 9:15-10:15
If interested in finding out more or attending a practice please contact:
Coach Stuart Goldie
UEFA B License
Coach Stuart Evolution- TxSoccer Lurker
- Posts : 5
Points : 1609
Join date : 2020-05-26
» Evolution 11B Goldie
» Evolution 11B Goldie (Colleyville, Southlake, Grapevine)
» Evolution 11B Goldie JCL Team
» Evolution 11G Goldie - Colleyville