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Renegades Vaughn 2011G
Renegades Vaughn 2011G
What RSC offers that many clubs do not:
The very popular CORE skills training program
Turf fields so much fewer practice rain outs than most clubs
Top Keeper trainer in NTX area
2011 G Vaughn
Teach and strongly believe in Possession soccer, strong technical and 1v1 skills.
If you have seen our team play you will instantly recognize the difference.
Strong skill development which is enhanced by the clubs CORE skills program
Honest and effective communication from your coach
Annual player assessments that are a strong part of player development that tells the parent and player what their strength are that they need to build on and what areas for improvement they have
If interested please contact at 214-251-7465
Stingvaughn- TxSoccer Poster
- Posts : 47
Points : 2188
Join date : 2019-05-30
» Renegades Vaughn
» 2011 G Renegades Vaughn
» Renegades 08 G Vaughn GCL D1
» Renegades Vaughn 08 G