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With that said, I wouldn't expect Sting or ANY other youth soccer club anywhere in the US to do anything in regards to the tweet you show above. In the absence of any other context, all that tweet says is that the tweeter agreed with Joe Rogan about something. That alone is not cause for any employer to take any action against an employee, and pretty sure it'd be illegal and grounds for a lawsuit if they did.
Now, if you want to go on a public forum like this one and post your objections to his tweet and point out his employer and position, by all means knock yourself out. Just suggest that you take some care in being certain what you claim or insinuate, so that you don't potentially cross over into slander.
My final word is that as with anything like this, you possess the ultimate control as the consumer. You don't like what this person tweeted, by all means feel free to refuse to do business with Sting.
BWGophers- TxSoccer Poster
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Jumpman- TxSoccer Poster
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to BWGophers, someone at that level should be very very careful posting in social media. You wrote, "Just suggest that you take some care in being certain what you claim or insinuate". Insinuate is the key word my friend.
The tweet was created at the time when everyone was distancing from Joe Rogan.
You would not understand because I guaranty you, you are black.
alexliamdoe20000- TxSoccer Poster
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Now we are trying to "cancel" soccer coaches jeez. Just because he said this, doesn't mean he agrees with everyone JR has said or done. I hear MK is a great coach by the way (and No, I don't have a kid playing for him).
07soccerdad- TxSoccer Poster
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alexliamdoe20000 wrote:I agree with Jumpman!
to BWGophers, someone at that level should be very very careful posting in social media. You wrote, "Just suggest that you take some care in being certain what you claim or insinuate". Insinuate is the key word my friend.
The tweet was created at the time when everyone was distancing from Joe Rogan.
You would not understand because I guaranty you, you are black.
I know nothing about this coach, but I went back to look through his twitter feed to see if there was anything that would provide additional context. This guy tweets multiple times per day, so probably scanned at least 100 tweets going back before I found the one you posted. I think calling his twitter feed benign would be pretty accurate.
So 2 days ago you posted his innocuous 3 word tweet that's almost 2 months old, that is buried in a bunch of benign tweets about his kids, general soccer stuff, motivational quotes, and some posts about his faith, and put both him and his club on full blast in clear and obvious outrage??? Sorry, but this just doesn't pass my sniff test.
Maybe he is what you are insinuating he is, but if you want to convince people about it, you're going to have to come forward with more than just an "I'm with @joerogan" tweet absent of any other context. Why don't you just come clean and tell us the real reason you have an axe to grind against this coach and club? I personally doubt that Joe Rogan has anything to do with it.
BWGophers- TxSoccer Poster
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alexliamdoe20000 wrote:You would not understand because I guaranty you, you are black.
Elaborate por favor
Poo Nani- TxSoccer Poster
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I am NOT with Joe Rogan!
alexliamdoe20000- TxSoccer Poster
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