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Scouting new coach, new team, new parents...

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Scouting new coach, new team, new parents... Empty Scouting new coach, new team, new parents...

Post by JogoBonito 14/04/23, 12:31 pm

Ahead of try out period beginning for the 2023-2024 season, we are giving careful consideration to what teams to try out with. We've never gone around looking at different teams and last year we made the mistake of just signing with the first team we tried. Based on lessons learned these are some of the criteria we are considering - just don't know if we'll be able to evaluate them this early. Welcome any thoughts from this group.

1- Coach demonstrates ability to develop experienced players vs those just transitioning from recreational
2- Coach maintains an unbiased view of the players and avoids conflicts of interest in result of having extremely close relationships with select players and families (inclusive vs exclusive)
3- Seeks opportunities to empower players equally - does not empower select players to correct other players
4- Line up, formation and strategy is not influenced by a parent regardless of experience in the game
5- Maintains a good balance of fun but also challenges players to grow. Demands discipline and respect equally from all players.

TxSoccer Lurker
TxSoccer Lurker

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Scouting new coach, new team, new parents... Empty Re: Scouting new coach, new team, new parents...

Post by ororo29 14/04/23, 06:57 pm

I think these are all good things to consider.  The tough part is that some of the things you listed will be hard to suss out during a try out and might not only come to light during the season (especially points 2 - 4).  

One thing to watch during tryouts is how the coach handles mistakes.  If a player messes up during a drill, does the coach do any corrections, or does the coach just let it player keep repeating the mistake. Is he good at teaching the game?

Some things I like to consider is the coach's temperament with officials.  I absolutely hate it when coaches get too critical and chatty with the refs during games.  I want my daughter to learn good sportsmanship, and I expect the coach to be a good example.  

Team parents are also something that I like to evaluate. Are they hard on their kids?  Are they too critical of the officials?  I just want all of the adults in the room to act like respectful adults.

Last edited by ororo29 on 14/04/23, 07:06 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added to a thought)

TxSoccer Lurker
TxSoccer Lurker

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Scouting new coach, new team, new parents... Empty Re: Scouting new coach, new team, new parents...

Post by JogoBonito 19/04/23, 08:12 am

Thanks Ororo, great points!

TxSoccer Lurker
TxSoccer Lurker

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