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Evo 12G Surringer, PPIL,Colleyville/Southlake/Grapevine
Evo 12G Surringer, PPIL,Colleyville/Southlake/Grapevine
If you're interested in coming to our open practices, fill out this 30 second sign in form and I will be touch.
Open Practices
Tuesday, May 23, 7-8.30pm @ Meadowmere Park Grapevine, 76051
Thursday, May 25, 7-8.30pm @ CSA Practice Fields 6707 Pleasant Run Rd, Colleyville, 76034
Saturday, June 3, 10.30-11.30am, @ CSA Practice Fields 6707 Pleasant Run Rd, Colleyville, 76034
Tuesday, June 6, 7-8.30pm @ Meadowmere Park Grapevine, 76051
Thursday, June 8, 7-8.30pm @ CSA Practice Fields 6707 Pleasant Run Rd, Colleyville, 76034
If you have any questions prior to signing in, shoot me a text or give me a call.
Contact: 682-862-8247,
Coach Jordan McMillian
ColleyvilleEvolution- TxSoccer Poster
- Posts : 82
Points : 2932
Join date : 2017-05-17