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05 JDL Empty 05 JDL

Post by soccerphun 29/08/16, 06:22 pm

OK, 05's....let me kick some sleeping dogs and wake this Forum up.  

Pre-season pecking order:

1. DTS Adames -- they could play in the 04 JDL and be very competitive.  One word:  physical  
2. Solar Pulp -- few remnants of last year's State Cup championship team but a very solid reload.
3. Solar Colvin -- this team has been playing together the longest and it shows.
4. Sting Higganbotham -- expect this team to be top dawg or close in 2 years.  
5. FCD Red Baker -- can play with anyone when they play their game, but wheels can come off quickly too.
6. DTC Bussey -- lots of raw athletes that can score in a hurry but gets exposed with lack of technical ability.
7. FCD Blue Baker -- look for a fluid roster here.  Surprisingly light on talent.
8. Sting Parsons -- they will have flashes of brilliance but just don't have the horses to compete for 60 mins.

No excel solver macros...just a compilation of observations since June when the teams started forming.  

Shame we won't see JM's Kicks group in here -- they would have easily been top 5 -- other D'Feeters team would have been slugging it out with Parsons for the cellar.
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05 JDL Empty Re: 05 JDL

Post by Elpistolero 30/08/16, 09:25 am

Higganbotham and Colvin are as physical as DTS. DTS have last years LH D1 experience, and added 05 D1 talent from other clubs. Dts Strikers have good finishing ability. You leave their strikers or offensive midfielders open outside the box , they can finish at a high percentage . Should be a great season. Fcd red baker, Solar pulp can compete with any of these three teams. The other three teams should be in the bottom three. Can't speak for anyone not in the list.

soccerphun wrote:OK, 05's....let me kick some sleeping dogs and wake this Forum up.  

Pre-season pecking order:

1. DTS Adames -- they could play in the 04 JDL and be very competitive.  One word:  physical  
2. Solar Pulp -- few remnants of last year's State Cup championship team but a very solid reload.
3. Solar Colvin -- this team has been playing together the longest and it shows.
4. Sting Higganbotham -- expect this team to be top dawg or close in 2 years.  
5. FCD Red Baker -- can play with anyone when they play their game, but wheels can come off quickly too.
6. DTC Bussey -- lots of raw athletes that can score in a hurry but gets exposed with lack of technical ability.
7. FCD Blue Baker -- look for a fluid roster here.  Surprisingly light on talent.
8. Sting Parsons -- they will have flashes of brilliance but just don't have the horses to compete for 60 mins.

No excel solver macros...just a compilation of observations since June when the teams started forming.  

Shame we won't see JM's Kicks group in here -- they would have easily been top 5 -- other D'Feeters team would have been slugging it out with Parsons for the cellar.

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05 JDL Empty Re: 05 JDL

Post by soccerphun 30/08/16, 09:39 am

Can anyone confirm that Sting Higgy beat FCD Red Baker 5-0 in a recent scrimmage?  Fact or Fiction?
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05 JDL Empty Re: 05 JDL

Post by physical2005 30/08/16, 11:18 am

It will be an interesting season. Lots of clubs playing both LH and JDL. FCD Red wheels can fall off? Odd statement. DTC Bussey- interesting view, we will see. FCD Blue- no fluid rosters on any FCD teams... they are the only club not playing in both LH and JDL. light on talent? When have you seen them play? Sting Parsons- don't know them. Glad to see Kicks not in.

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05 JDL Empty Re: 05 JDL

Post by ForReal 30/08/16, 12:42 pm

physical2005 wrote:It will be an interesting season.  Lots of clubs playing both LH and JDL. FCD Red wheels can fall off?  Odd statement.  DTC Bussey- interesting view, we will see.  FCD Blue- no fluid rosters on any FCD teams... they are the only club not playing in both LH and JDL. light on talent?  When have you seen them play?  Sting Parsons- don't know them.  Glad to see Kicks not in.

You must be a "Fall 05" and FCD parent.

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05 JDL Empty Re: 05 JDL

Post by tpitty 30/08/16, 01:00 pm

physical2005 wrote:  Glad to see Kicks not in.

Why? Good team(s), good coach. Why wouldn't you want to play them?

I was a bit disappointed we wouldn't get to play them regularly.

Last edited by tpitty on 30/08/16, 01:01 pm; edited 1 time in total

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05 JDL Empty Re: 05 JDL

Post by Guest 30/08/16, 01:01 pm

physical2005 wrote:It will be an interesting season.  Lots of clubs playing both LH and JDL. FCD Red wheels can fall off?  Odd statement.  DTC Bussey- interesting view, we will see.  FCD Blue- no fluid rosters on any FCD teams... they are the only club not playing in both LH and JDL. light on talent?  When have you seen them play?  Sting Parsons- don't know them.  Glad to see Kicks not in.

Why are you glad to see Kicks not in? They clearly deserve to be in. This is that same problem that has been discussed ad nauseum, but why wouldn't the JDL teams want to play the best? Why shouldn't indies have a chance to compete against the best? Selecao could beat any of these teams. (Before anyone gets to thinking who I am, I have nothing to do with Kicks. In fact, I don't even have an 05 DD.) Even a team like Fever could compete. They'd fight at the bottom but if the idea was to have 10 teams, then certainly 2 from the group of LP Elite, Kicks, Fever should probably have been considered and make the competition more varied and better.

That's my only beef with the whole JDL thing. If you limit it to the Big 5, you expose yourself as an elitist money/talent grab. I know why they did it, but it has nothing to do with pure development.


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05 JDL Empty Re: 05 JDL

Post by Guest 30/08/16, 01:01 pm

tpitty wrote:
physical2005 wrote:  Glad to see Kicks not in.

Why? Good team(s), good coach. Why wouldn't you want to play them?



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05 JDL Empty Re: 05 JDL

Post by SickofStupidity 30/08/16, 01:04 pm

physical2005 wrote:It will be an interesting season.  Lots of clubs playing both LH and JDL. FCD Red wheels can fall off?  Odd statement.  DTC Bussey- interesting view, we will see.  FCD Blue- no fluid rosters on any FCD teams... they are the only club not playing in both LH and JDL. light on talent?  When have you seen them play?  Sting Parsons- don't know them.  Glad to see Kicks not in.

You might as well have said "glad to not have to face Kicks"  Laughing

I would think you would want to face the best competition in JDL.  Apparently not.

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05 JDL Empty Re: 05 JDL

Post by jogobonito06 30/08/16, 01:06 pm

physical2005 wrote:It will be an interesting season.  Lots of clubs playing both LH and JDL. FCD Red wheels can fall off?  Odd statement.  DTC Bussey- interesting view, we will see.  FCD Blue- no fluid rosters on any FCD teams... they are the only club not playing in both LH and JDL. light on talent?  When have you seen them play?  Sting Parsons- don't know them.  Glad to see Kicks not in.

Our coach is not glad. We know their quality and it will be missed
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05 JDL Empty Re: 05 JDL

Post by Guest 30/08/16, 01:09 pm

jogobonito06 wrote:
physical2005 wrote:It will be an interesting season.  Lots of clubs playing both LH and JDL. FCD Red wheels can fall off?  Odd statement.  DTC Bussey- interesting view, we will see.  FCD Blue- no fluid rosters on any FCD teams... they are the only club not playing in both LH and JDL. light on talent?  When have you seen them play?  Sting Parsons- don't know them.  Glad to see Kicks not in.

Our coach is not glad. We know their quality and it will be missed



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05 JDL Empty Re: 05 JDL

Post by soccerchicken 30/08/16, 01:12 pm

physical2005 wrote:It will be an interesting season.  Lots of clubs playing both LH and JDL. FCD Red wheels can fall off?  Odd statement.  DTC Bussey- interesting view, we will see.  FCD Blue- no fluid rosters on any FCD teams... they are the only club not playing in both LH and JDL. light on talent?  When have you seen them play?  Sting Parsons- don't know them.  Glad to see Kicks not in.

bock bock
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05 JDL Empty Re: 05 JDL

Post by Guest 30/08/16, 01:17 pm

lmao... from soccerchicken!@!! Bock, Bock!

I'm easily amused today. But seriously. Glad to see Kicks not in? Ugh. Even if you thought that, what possess you to post that on this forum and get pummeled. Maybe we are all wrong and there is some legitimate reason this person doesn't like Kicks for something personal or what not....cuz there sure isn't a competitive reason.


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05 JDL Empty Re: 05 JDL

Post by Soccersheep 30/08/16, 01:57 pm

Agree.. Not a competitive nature if you don't want to face good competition. Never ever be scared to play anyone ! That's what I preach my dd.
Just for kicks, Don't cry over the spilled milk now. Homework on the merger should have been done right with no loopholes. Hopefully see you guys in spring. Or perhaps this weekend at the Labor Day Tment ! Baha....

skiberdad wrote:lmao... from soccerchicken!@!!  Bock, Bock!

I'm easily amused today.  But seriously.  Glad to see Kicks not in?  Ugh.  Even if you thought that, what possess you to post that on this forum and get pummeled.  Maybe we are all wrong and there is some legitimate reason this person doesn't like Kicks for something personal or what not....cuz there sure isn't a competitive reason.

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05 JDL Empty Re: 05 JDL

Post by Guest 30/08/16, 03:13 pm


Am I missing something here?

What is preventing Kicks teams from simply executing a Team Name Change form with NTSSA to register their JDL teams under D'Feeters as their club instead of Kicks?  They could even keep the Kicks name in their team name.

I don't see any NTSSA rules that explicitly prevent a coach from coaching with 2 different clubs simultaneously.

It seems to me that if Kicks wanted in JDL badly enough, and if D'Feeters wanted Kicks in JDL badly enough, that this loophole could be fairly easily worked around via some additional paperwork.

Again, what am I missing here???


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05 JDL Empty Re: 05 JDL

Post by KeeperCommander 30/08/16, 03:14 pm

Soccersheep wrote:Agree..  Not a competitive nature if you don't want to face good competition.   Never ever be scared to play anyone ! That's what I preach my dd.  
Just for kicks, Don't cry over the spilled milk now. Homework on the merger should have been done right with no loopholes.  Hopefully see you guys in spring. Or perhaps this weekend at the Labor Day Tment ! Baha....

skiberdad wrote:lmao... from soccerchicken!@!!  Bock, Bock!

I'm easily amused today.  But seriously.  Glad to see Kicks not in?  Ugh.  Even if you thought that, what possess you to post that on this forum and get pummeled.  Maybe we are all wrong and there is some legitimate reason this person doesn't like Kicks for something personal or what not....cuz there sure isn't a competitive reason.
Sounds like you were in on that loophole closer then the way that sounds. I for one dont think JDL is that great. Think of it this way. Kid comes out of game they can't go back in. How does that develop? Play only a couple good teams. Some of those teams are not going to be competitive. Let's be honest. I also heard the JDL teams can not do Texas Cup. Can that be confirmed by anyone. DA will be the true calling of development. Not the big 5.

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05 JDL Empty Re: 05 JDL

Post by ForReal 30/08/16, 03:16 pm

bwgophers wrote:

It seems to me that if Kicks wanted in JDL badly enough, and if D'Feeters wanted Kicks in JDL badly enough, that this loophole could be fairly easily worked around via some additional paperwork.

I don't pretend to know the bylaws and the ways in which they could make it work, but your statement above might be the bigger issue.

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05 JDL Empty Re: 05 JDL

Post by KeeperCommander 30/08/16, 03:18 pm

ForReal wrote:
bwgophers wrote:

It seems to me that if Kicks wanted in JDL badly enough, and if D'Feeters wanted Kicks in JDL badly enough, that this loophole could be fairly easily worked around via some additional paperwork.

I don't pretend to know the bylaws and the ways in which they could make it work, but your statement above might be the bigger issue.
It goes to why would they want to lose what is at stake just to play with a few good teams.

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05 JDL Empty Re: 05 JDL

Post by Guest 30/08/16, 03:20 pm

KeeperCommander wrote:
ForReal wrote:
bwgophers wrote:

It seems to me that if Kicks wanted in JDL badly enough, and if D'Feeters wanted Kicks in JDL badly enough, that this loophole could be fairly easily worked around via some additional paperwork.

I don't pretend to know the bylaws and the ways in which they could make it work, but your statement above might be the bigger issue.
It goes to why would they want to lose what is at stake just to play with a few good teams.

So, then there is no reason for the various hand-wringing going on over Kicks not playing in JDL... Suspect


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05 JDL Empty Re: 05 JDL

Post by tpitty 30/08/16, 03:22 pm

KeeperCommander wrote: DA will be the true calling of development. Not the big 5.

So the big 4 in DA will be the true calling of development? (which consist of the same aformentioned 5)
okie dokie then.

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05 JDL Empty Re: 05 JDL

Post by KeeperCommander 30/08/16, 03:24 pm

tpitty wrote:
KeeperCommander wrote: DA will be the true calling of development. Not the big 5.

So the big 4 in DA will be the true calling of development? (which consist of the same aformentioned 5)
okie dokie then.
The big 4 are not the DA. Only one so far right.

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05 JDL Empty Re: 05 JDL

Post by ForReal 30/08/16, 03:28 pm

KeeperCommander wrote:
tpitty wrote:
KeeperCommander wrote: DA will be the true calling of development. Not the big 5.

So the big 4 in DA will be the true calling of development? (which consist of the same aformentioned 5)
okie dokie then.
The big 4 are not  the DA. Only one so far right.

Nope.  All 4.

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05 JDL Empty Re: 05 JDL

Post by tpitty 30/08/16, 03:28 pm

FCD, Solar, Sting, Texans are 4 of the big 5.

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05 JDL Empty Re: 05 JDL

Post by tpitty 30/08/16, 03:29 pm

And 3 of those have been a part of the boys program for quite a while, and one is the top boys academy in the nation. So, they should know absolutely nothing about what a league should look like for development.

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05 JDL Empty Re: 05 JDL

Post by KeeperCommander 30/08/16, 03:41 pm

tpitty wrote:And 3 of those have been a part of the boys program for quite a while, and one is the top boys academy in the nation. So, they should know absolutely nothing about what a league should look like for development.
I must have missed the press release naming FCD, Sting and Texans as being girls DA clubs.

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05 JDL Empty Re: 05 JDL

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