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Renegades FC 00G is currently holding open training sessions

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Renegades FC 00G is currently holding open training sessions Empty Renegades FC 00G is currently holding open training sessions

Post by Soccerislife17 20/06/14, 03:32 pm

We are organizing as a "new" team for this upcoming year and we have room for a few more players to join us.

Please Note: We are not interested in finding a few "bench warmers" simply to fill our roster and pay for administrative overhead. We do, however, have a few spots we are holding open for the potential Renegades out there.

If you are interested in being part of a team, working to improve your game, and playing at an elite level every time you step onto the pitch, then this is the team for you!

We train Mondays and Wednesdays from 6.30pm - 8.30pm in Frisco. Also, we will be playing in a friendly tournament later this month.

If you think you may be a Renegade, come join us at an upcoming tryouts session to find out for sure!

For more information, PM, or send an email to

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Renegades FC 00G is currently holding open training sessions Empty Re: Renegades FC 00G is currently holding open training sessions

Post by stinkerpants 26/07/14, 09:07 am

Soccerislife17 wrote:We are organizing as a "new" team for this upcoming year and we have room for a few more players to join us.

Please Note: We are not interested in finding a few "bench warmers" simply to fill our roster and pay for administrative overhead. We do, however, have a few spots we are holding open for the potential Renegades out there.

If you are interested in being part of a team, working to improve your game, and playing at an elite level every time you step onto the pitch, then this is the team for you!

We train Mondays and Wednesdays from 6.30pm - 8.30pm in Frisco. Also, we will be playing in a friendly tournament later this month.

If you think you may be a Renegade, come join us at an upcoming tryouts session to find out for sure!

For more information, PM, or send an email to

Rikardo, could you help me sort something out? Your coaches profile says that you "played at every level of YourApeeIn club football for numerous clubs in Israel, Holland, France, England and here in the US until he retired from "professional" football in 1997"

But a quick google search of your name comes up with ZERO evidence that you ever played soccer anywhere. I find it to be almost impossible that a player could play PROFESSIONAL soccer for that long and there is not ONE SHRED of it on google. No pictures of you playing soccer. No stats for any team. Not even ONE reference to you even being on a roster much less ever having played. So, while I am not calling you a liar by any means, could you help us all figure this out? Thanks buddy!!!

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Renegades FC 00G is currently holding open training sessions Empty Re: Renegades FC 00G is currently holding open training sessions

Post by InaB 26/07/14, 09:59 am

Tick, tick, tick. 15 minutes of fame clock ticking down.  Laughing 
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Renegades FC 00G is currently holding open training sessions Empty Re: Renegades FC 00G is currently holding open training sessions

Post by stinkerpants 27/07/14, 11:01 am

InaB wrote:Tick, tick, tick. 15 minutes of fame clock ticking down.  Laughing 


Why would you defend a man who has done the things Rikardo has done, said the things that he has said to young girls and from all evidence has totally misrepresented himself to the NTX soccer community? You are a nice lady but I think you are way off base here on this one.

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Renegades FC 00G is currently holding open training sessions Empty Re: Renegades FC 00G is currently holding open training sessions

Post by Guest 27/07/14, 12:46 pm

Hey Stinkerpants,

A little unsolicited advice.  From where I'm standing, 'ol Rikki Rikardo is doing a pretty darn good job of digging his own hole.

All you are doing is making it clear that you have an axe to grind with this guy, and airing it in public, isn't exactly making you look too good yourself.

Let it go, bro...


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Renegades FC 00G is currently holding open training sessions Empty Re: Renegades FC 00G is currently holding open training sessions

Post by textigerfan 27/07/14, 12:55 pm

AMEN bwgophers. Sounds like these guys just need to name a time and place and do what they have to do. Then they can hug and make up.
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Renegades FC 00G is currently holding open training sessions Empty Re: Renegades FC 00G is currently holding open training sessions

Post by stinkerpants 27/07/14, 04:33 pm

bwgophers wrote:Hey Stinkerpants,

A little unsolicited advice.  From where I'm standing, 'ol Rikki Rikardo is doing a pretty darn good job of digging his own hole.

All you are doing is making it clear that you have an axe to grind with this guy, and airing it in public, isn't exactly making you look too good yourself.

Let it go, bro...

I am not really concerned with how I look. Only concern is telling the truth about a guy who is hurting and lying to a lot of kids and families that don't know any better.

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Renegades FC 00G is currently holding open training sessions Empty Re: Renegades FC 00G is currently holding open training sessions

Post by fluffyunicorn 27/07/14, 08:07 pm

Everyone, stinkerpants is on to something. I heard Liverfool dribble his resignation. To me that shows they didn't want everyone to know about their mistake. I was going to have my DD play for him even after the shenanigans (to put it mildly) of what I heard. Boy was I wrong! If you wish to see first hand what type of coach he is (good or bad) just check him out I heard he needs players. Also we are still waiting for you to answer the question from stinkerpants about your illustrious career coach.

Last edited by fluffyunicorn on 27/07/14, 08:26 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : misspelled word)

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Renegades FC 00G is currently holding open training sessions Empty Re: Renegades FC 00G is currently holding open training sessions

Post by intrinsic 27/07/14, 09:10 pm

Is the admin able to fix this site's inability to allow posters to use the word that is spelled "f o r c e"?

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Renegades FC 00G is currently holding open training sessions Empty Re: Renegades FC 00G is currently holding open training sessions

Post by 2_cents_worth 27/07/14, 10:10 pm

I'm sure if any of the 60 or more parents who have kids playing on both his teams, some for over a year now would be the first to agree with stinkerpants if they have witnessed any of what has been alleged.   Thanks for looking out for us!  I for one am happy with Rikardo and his style of soccer, so YES INDEED come to a practice session and see for yourself.

Last edited by 2_cents_worth on 28/07/14, 06:11 am; edited 2 times in total
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Renegades FC 00G is currently holding open training sessions Empty Re: Renegades FC 00G is currently holding open training sessions

Post by flippinA 27/07/14, 10:38 pm

so does this mean Stinkerpants isn't playing on the Renegades this season? lol
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Renegades FC 00G is currently holding open training sessions Empty Re: Renegades FC 00G is currently holding open training sessions

Post by InaB 28/07/14, 07:59 am

Welllllllll, something tells me not! Can we speed up Stinky's fame clock please and go on to more positive, yet spirited debates? tick, tick, tick, tick.... Very Happy 
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Renegades FC 00G is currently holding open training sessions Empty Re: Renegades FC 00G is currently holding open training sessions

Post by stinkerpants 28/07/14, 08:05 am

InaB wrote:Welllllllll, something tells me not! Can we speed up Stinky's fame clock please and go on to more positive, yet spirited debates? tick, tick, tick, tick.... Very Happy 

I think that the truth coming out is always positive.

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Renegades FC 00G is currently holding open training sessions Empty Re: Renegades FC 00G is currently holding open training sessions

Post by stinkerpants 28/07/14, 08:17 am

flippinA wrote:so does this mean Stinkerpants isn't playing on the Renegades this season? lol

No, I got wise when RG was dumped on us at TFC, called my daughter (who had suffered a serious injury) lazy and pathetic. There was another girl on the team who had an injury, and RG wouldnt even call her by name. He just had a nickname for her. Its so terrible that I won't even say it here, but the nickname called out her injury which was very very serious and almost kept the player from ever playing soccer again. I have kept my mouth shut for over a year but when I see a person doing and saying things that are untrue and could hurt people I feel like I have to stand up and say something.

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Renegades FC 00G is currently holding open training sessions Empty Re: Renegades FC 00G is currently holding open training sessions

Post by fliptc 16/08/14, 09:53 am

i hate to do this but I have seen first hand also what this guy does and how he lies. I agree with stinkerpants and all the other TFC parents that I have had the pleasure of meeting and getting to know. I have had a few personal interactions with him and wont go into detail but I would never let my DD play for him.

That is all
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Renegades FC 00G is currently holding open training sessions Empty footskills don't lie

Post by reluctantgk 04/11/22, 10:40 am

IDK much about the guy, but I scrimmaged with him recently, and watched the dude in tennis shoes, in this 50s, under pressure, drop a 50 yard curving long ball in front of a winger making a run.

IDK where he played, but he obviously played at a pretty high level. There aren't a whole lot of people who can play a pass like that at his age. He also maintains a level of physical fitness that's higher that a lot of players in their 20s.

Also of note, major clubs have dozens of teams, and unless you make the men's or women's first squad, it's likely there wouldn't be any mention of you in media, especially if you played before the internet.

I can understand why he'd get a bad rep coaching youth girls. I've done a couple training sessions with his men's squad and the guy has a mouth like a sailor and no hesitation to tell you when you've screwed up, and he absolutely does not tolerate players who don't show up to put in work. But the flip side is that if you show up on time and bust your hump for him he will make you into a much better soccer player.

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Renegades FC 00G is currently holding open training sessions Empty Re: Renegades FC 00G is currently holding open training sessions

Post by Jumpman 05/11/22, 11:34 am

Have you ever seen a monkey drink redbull out of a can?
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