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RC10 and Paradigm

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RC10 and Paradigm Empty RC10 and Paradigm

Post by BurnOnYou 20/02/15, 08:36 pm

Can anyone provide some actual experience insigt as to the value of these 2 trainings?
Are either ideal for a certain age or are they useful across all age ranges? (Assuming you find it/ them useful)
Would appreciate any objective observations.
Thank you in advance.

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RC10 and Paradigm Empty Re: RC10 and Paradigm

Post by Piper 21/02/15, 12:32 am

No experience with RC10, but we did a month at paradigm and:
Pro's - the coaches know their stuff and incorporated fitness training in with drills and small sided 3v3 games.
Con's - all age groups train together, so an 06 trains with a high schooler which is fine, for all but the small sided, (which becomes dangerous with the huge size difference and contact.). The facility is small (plano) and it can get crowded.

Overall, I would go back if my dd was a freshman through senior in HS, but with the large age difference, we have a while to wait.

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RC10 and Paradigm Empty Re: RC10 and Paradigm

Post by RightWingDad 21/02/15, 06:19 pm

I know you did not ask about Soccer Dynamics, but we've enjoyed our skills sessions there on Tuesday night. Coach Ali does a super nice job and Woodbury is awesome.
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RC10 and Paradigm Empty Re: RC10 and Paradigm

Post by Let’sJustAllGoRec 22/02/15, 10:24 pm

My daughter has been training weekly at RC10 for almost a year now. It is great! Coach Ricky keeps them moving. The ages are broken up 6-9 train together and 10-15 training together. There are multiple time slots offered throughout the week. I have never seen more than 8 in a training session. My favorite part is that my 7 year old daughter gets to train with skilled boys who are typically a year or two older. She has become so much faster with her skills because she has to be faster against the boys. Her first touch is so much better now because the boys pass the ball so hard she has had to learn how to receive it better. Her shots are so much stronger because she sees how hard the boys shoot. Her running is faster now because she is trying to keep up with the boys. She may not dominate the boys all the time in her weekly training sessions, but when she is playing with her team which is playing up a year for her as a center mid, she typically can out play the girls she is playing against. The cost of RC10 is $150 per month for four 1.50 hour training sessions. After you have been there 3 months in a row, you get a loyalty discount of 20% which brings it down to $120. RC10 always does camps over Spring Break which would be a great way for you to try them out. We drive over an hour every week to attend the training so when I tell you it is worth it, I mean it is worth it. If you have any other questions, let me know.

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RC10 and Paradigm Empty Re: RC10 and Paradigm

Post by Guest 23/02/15, 09:14 am

jeaton wrote:My daughter has been training weekly at RC10 for almost a year now. It is great! Coach Ricky keeps them moving. The ages are broken up 6-9 train together and 10-15 training together. There are multiple time slots offered throughout the week. I have never seen more than 8 in a training session. My favorite part is that my 7 year old daughter gets to train with skilled boys who are typically a year or two older. She has become so much faster with her skills because she has to be faster against the boys. Her first touch is so much better now because the boys pass the ball so hard she has had to learn how to receive it better. Her shots are so much stronger because she sees how hard the boys shoot. Her running is faster now because she is trying to keep up with the boys. She may not dominate the boys all the time in her weekly training sessions, but when she is playing with her team which is playing up a year for her as a center mid, she typically can out play the girls she is playing against. The cost of RC10 is $150 per month for four 1.50 hour training sessions. After you have been there 3 months in a row, you get a loyalty discount of 20% which brings it down to $120. RC10 always does camps over Spring Break which would be a great way for you to try them out. We drive over an hour every week to attend the training so when I tell you it is worth it, I mean it is worth it. If you have any other questions, let me know.

Thanks for the info Jeaton great feedback.

I plan on starting to take my 07 to one of these on a regular basis. Does anyone have experience with both RC10 and Paradigm? Curious the +/- of each in comparison to each other?


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RC10 and Paradigm Empty Re: RC10 and Paradigm

Post by Guest 23/02/15, 09:25 am

cha ching Smile


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RC10 and Paradigm Empty Re: RC10 and Paradigm

Post by Let’sJustAllGoRec 23/02/15, 10:12 am

No problem Big Tex! Sorry, I have no experience with Paradigm. If I remember correctly your DD plays on Dynamo. I think we play her in our next platinum game. We train with quite a few girls from the other platinum and gold level teams. Like LP Rase, Gerrard, etc. Kinda cool that they can become friends and train hard together and then fight it out on the pitch! See you soon!

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RC10 and Paradigm Empty Re: RC10 and Paradigm

Post by Guest 23/02/15, 10:41 am

jeaton wrote:No problem Big Tex! Sorry, I have no experience with Paradigm. If I remember correctly your DD plays on Dynamo. I think we play her in our next platinum game. We train with quite a few girls from the other platinum and gold level teams. Like LP Rase, Gerrard, etc. Kinda cool that they can become friends and train hard together and then fight it out on the pitch! See you soon!

We have done Paradigm with my oldest back when she was in Academy-so I have a pretty good understanding of that program (at least back then). As far as meeting up with the other parents/kids/coaches when we meet on the pitch that is fun- especially as they get older.

We have built good relationships with the 07 teams. coaches. parents in the division- well with one notable exception Wink Assuming I am able to make the match I will come by and introduce myself. Good luck to you all this season.


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RC10 and Paradigm Empty Re: RC10 and Paradigm

Post by goldenshoe 23/02/15, 05:06 pm

City Futsal has amazing training as well. The coaches are extremely dedicated to youth development. Most importantly, this program is facilitated by one of the most beautiful family I know.

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RC10 and Paradigm Empty Re: RC10 and Paradigm

Post by RightWingDad 23/02/15, 05:11 pm

I did see that City Futsal has someone on staff that deals with mental toughness training. Not sure how much City charges for that but on the trainer's website it's $$$$. Input welcome.
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RC10 and Paradigm Empty Re: RC10 and Paradigm

Post by PARADIGM 23/02/15, 07:14 pm


Come out for a Free Plano Soccer Skills Session!

5-6:30pm & 6-7:30pm


If you have any other questions click link below:

Paradigm Soccer Staff

Last edited by PARADIGM on 25/06/16, 09:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
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RC10 and Paradigm Empty Re: RC10 and Paradigm

Post by rc10training 25/02/15, 02:33 pm


Would love to have you out. Please contact us. for more information.

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RC10 and Paradigm Empty Re: RC10 and Paradigm

Post by Realsoccer 28/02/15, 12:35 am

Ricky is the man. But go check out Attack Soccers Camp at Sole Roll Indoor. The kids work hard and have fun doing so. There is not another gym like The Attack Room in Dallas, period. National Champion teams training here each week and at the camp. Boys and girls from 09 up to 02 at the last camp.

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RC10 and Paradigm Empty Re: RC10 and Paradigm

Post by Zizou 28/02/15, 11:44 am

Realsoccer wrote:Ricky is the man. But go check out Attack Soccers Camp at Sole Roll Indoor. The kids work hard and have fun doing so. There is not another gym like The Attack Room in Dallas, period. National Champion teams training here each week and at the camp. Boys and girls from 09 up to 02 at the last camp.

It looks like he just took over the old Paradigm corner in sole roll. Paradigm has moved to a new facilities in plano at Jupiter and George Bush.

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