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US Youth Require A & D Decision Letter from David Arciniega? Pixel
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US Youth Require A & D Decision Letter from David Arciniega?

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US Youth Require A & D Decision Letter from David Arciniega? Empty US Youth Require A & D Decision Letter from David Arciniega?

Post by Soapboxmom 09/07/16, 09:44 am

US Youth should step in and demand David Arciniega (NTSSA' Chairman of Coaching Education) and Garland Soccer to follow the rules like everyone else.  David Arciniega filed bogus charges against me and Rachel Beltran (the current VP, then U12 director.)  At that time in 2013 I had not been on the board long enough to realize that there was no A & D Committee in place and that David Arciniega was blocking the VPs from forming them as required by the by-laws.  There has also never been an Ethics Committee in Garland Soccer as NTSSA requires of every association (again due to president Arciniega.)  I demand that US Youth step in see that David Arciniega follow the rules and produce the required decision letter.  It is also high time that they bring in independent counsel conduct a full investigation.

 From: Heather []
   Sent: Monday, June 27, 2016 1:35 PM
   To:;; 'Rob Martella'; 'Todd Roby | US Youth Soccer';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
   Subject: Garland Soccer Association Not In Good Standing

   There seems to be some confusion.  Following the by-laws is not optional.  I expect this to be handled immediately.  

   From: Heather []
   Sent: Monday, June 13, 2016 7:56 AM
   To:;; 'Chris Moore'; 'Rob Martella'; 'Todd Roby | US Youth Soccer';;;
   Subject: Garland Soccer Association Not In Good Standing

   Dear US Youth Board Members and Staff,

   I have spent the last 31/2 years filing necessary and proper complaints and grievances and have never gotten any help at any level of soccer.  Garland Soccer’s David Arciniega filed charges against me and Rachel Beltran (U12 Director and now Vice President of Garland Soccer)  when the player pool (computer program Jevin and committee I have never known the identities of or had contact information for)  placed a child of the correct age on the same team with his parent coach.   The A & D letter is at the beginning of the attachment.

   David Arciniega has refused to issue the required decision letter for over 3 years.  That places Garland Soccer NOT in good standing.  I demand those decision letters be issued as the by-laws require.  David Arciniega called a Garland Soccer “Board Hearing” (a procedure he made up)  on this issue originally, so NTSSA would normally be the level of appeal.  Chris Kotschi told us that a hearing would be set, but David Arciniega’s friends at NTSSA blocked us from getting due process as has happened numerous times to Garland members.  As David Arciniega and his friends are on the NTSSA board and already refused to do as the by-laws require, this issue needs to be set for a hearing in front of US Youth Soccer.  David Arciniega’s conduct over the last decade certainly is totally unbecoming according to the Ethics guidelines for an officer in NTSSA.

   Heather Dobrott

   Good Standing of Member Association
   A written decision, with the reasons for the decision, based solely on the evidence of record issued in a timely fashion and including appeal rights and procedures….. 7.Failure to comply with one or more of the Subsections 1–6, Section 2.1.3, will result in the Executive Committee determining the Member Association is not in good standing. Failure to be in good standing is further defined as meaning players and teams registered through the Member Association will not be allowed to participate in any tournament/event sponsored or sanctioned by NTSSA, nor will they be certified to play outside of the NTSSA in any games, tournaments or other competitions for which they might have been otherwise eligible. The Member Association may not vote on any matter at any meeting of the Association while it is not in good standing.

   From: Heather Dobrott []
   Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 6:29 PM
   Cc: 'David Crawford';; 'Billy Babcock'
   Subject: Garland Soccer Association Director Charged

   I would like to request that formal charges be filed against David Arciniega, President of the Garland Soccer Association, and Kimberley Verity, VP and Chairman of the A & D Committee based on the following:

   1. I was brought up on charges as shown on pages 1-3 of the attachment.   Clearly as this letter was sent registered mail by the A & D chairman it is an A & D hearing.  This hearing was not heard in front of the A & D committee as specified in the GSA By-laws.  I was brought before my fellow board members.  Please see page 4 of the attachment which was given to all of the panel at the A&D hearing.
   2. The League Rules clearly state that “upon receipt of written notification, the A&D Committee shall conduct a confidential investigation by questioning any person with first hand knowledge of the facts.  The investigation must include an interview with the accused unless it can be determined that no further action, including the preferring of the charge(s) is necessary or warranted.”  Kim Verity’s committee did not interview me, Rachel Beltran, the coach who took the U12 boys team or his wife that handled the paperwork to get the player in question registered.  
   3. It clearly states in the League Rules that one brought up on charges “will be subject to the decisions made by the GSAI A & D committee.”  David Arciniega’s complaint against me was not heard by that committee, but rather the board of directors as a whole.  So, any decisions made I should not be subject to as proper protocol and procedures were not followed.  
   4. According to the NTSSA Appeals and Discipline manual “it is a requirement for the A & D Chairman to have enough knowledge of the situation at hand in order to select a fair and unbiased panel.”   A hearing among fellow board members in what has become a hostile environment does not meet this requirement.  The issue referenced in the charges against me has been discussed at board meetings and in e-mails.  Please see pages 69, 70, 105 of the attachment.  No one on that panel could possibly be unbiased.
   5. The NTSSA manual states “in matters where the A & D Chairman is unsure what the rights of the complainant or the accused are as to whether this should or should not justify a hearing, the NTSSA A&D Chairman may be consulted.”  Did Kim Verity seek out counsel and advice on this situation from the NTSSA A&D Chairman?
   6. The NTSSA manual guarantees in the “Rights of the Parties” that the letter to the accused shall show the range of possible consequences should the charges be found true.  My letter does not give the range of possible punishments as it should.  Please see pages 1-3 of the attachment.
   7. The NTSSA Appeals and Disciplinary manual also admonishes that A & D Hearings should not be held at the same time as board meetings.  That according to NTSSA and local Garland rules takes away the option of an appeal with the local board.  I was brought before my fellow board members for the first hearing on this matter.
   8. The NTSSA manual further states that “no member (of the committee) should be involved in the circumstances being heard: nor in any way, closely associated with any of the involved parties.  If necessary, alternate members should be available should such an involvement or affiliation exist.”    Again the complaint was heard before the board where certain members are close and there is also tremendous hostility, and no alternative panelists were available.
   9. The specific charges they are completely bogus.  I am accused of being involved in the instructing of placement of a new coach with his son in violation of our team formation rules.  Our Frequently Asked Questions clearly state that if one would like to coach their child’s team that the child will be placed on their team with them.   Please see page 24 of the attachment.  We have an obligation to honor what is on the front page of our website.  
   10. The Frequently Asked Questions also state that a “player’s information is given to a committee that assigns players.”  I have no control or involvement in player placement whatsoever.  I do not know who is on the player pool committee or how to contact them.  Please see page 23 of the attachment.  How can I face charges for something I cannot possibly do?
   11. The antiquated Team Formation Rules, that have not been updated in over 5 years, state that “the formation of teams and solicitation of coaches and new players is the responsibility of GSAI Officers and Directors.”  Please see page 25 of the attachment.  If that is the case why was I brought up on charges when a new coach and his son came into GSA?
   12. The antiquated rules further state that “players will be assigned (rostered) to teams, at the age group director discretion, by one of these two methods:
   Use of a coordinating committee.
   Random draw by neighborhood schools by the coaches.”  Again that is not the case.  We have a player pool committee and the age group directors have no involvement in this whatsoever.
   These Team Formation Rules go on to discuss Directors placing players when we in fact have no involvement in that whatsoever.  Please see page 26.
   13. The rule in the specific charges against me states, “in order for any person to request their child be transferred to a returning team they are coaching, they must have been the head coach of record for the previous two outdoor playing seasons, or asked to be the head coach of the returning team by a majority vote of the GSAI Board of Directors.”  Since these rules are antiquated and do not at all reflect what we are doing I don’t see how they can be used as a means to bring me up on charges.  Again, our Frequently Asked Questions clearly state that a child will be placed on the team their parent is coaching.  Please see page 24 of the attachment.
   14. Please note the e-mail on page 34.  The registrar contacts the age group director (Rachel Beltran) and asks her to find Dan Medina a team that his son could be placed on.  There were not near enough players to form a new team.  As my son is too ill to continue playing I was desperately searching for a coach to take over my team, the Pumas.  The Pumas team was the only spot available in the U12 boys division.
   15. Please note the e-mail on page 54.  I am asking for Medina’s uniform size as I saw in Jevin that he was placed on the team, but his name was not on the official roster yet.  He was showing up in the uniform section and medical releases etc.  He had landed there due to the player pool.  Rachel Beltran and I were not involved in his placement in any way.  He appeared on the official roster after his release from Richardson arrived in the GSA office.
   16. Please note from the e-mails that the board was having heated discussions concerning Joe Garcia having his daughter assigned to his team.  The Dan Medina situation was brought up at two board meetings despite Kim Verity’s claim to the contrary.  At the February 4th meeting I came in very excited that I had a coach to take over my team as my son was too ill to play.  On February 20th when Joe G.’s daughter was discussed, Rachel Beltran mentioned Dan Medina and I spoke up about it as well before we voted.  I believe this is why these charges were filed against me.  I carefully considered what is on the GSA website and I voted and acted in the best interest of our coaches.
   17. Joe G. sent our two e-mails to the entire board before the charges were filed stating that Dan Medina had had his son placed on his existing team.  Joe Garcia also forwarded the e-mail from Dan Medina to the entire board as noted on page 69.  So, the board was already well aware of the conflict going on and was tainted.  They could not step into the board hearing Kim Verity scheduled as an unbiased and fair panel to hear this issue.
   18. Please note the numerous e-mails where I request documentation concerning the team formation practices.  David Arciniega sent a report to NTSSA in February about this exact rule and issue and I have not been given access to it.  I was not given access to anything or a single piece of paper in response to my reasonable requests.  Why is GSA hiding information from its directors?  Please see pages 110-123 of the attachment.
   19. The board is having serious conflict over having open meetings as the e-mails show.  Please see pages 50-54 in the attachment.  
   20. The materials in question related to this filing have not been updated in five years even though we have radically changed the team formation practices using the Jevin software and an independent player pool committee for the last 4 years.  NTSSA needs to address this lack of proper documentation.  Please see page 119 of the attachment.
   21. It appears the Garland Soccer Board of Directors voted on Coach Dan Medina and his son after we were asked to leave the board meeting.  How could there be any vote on those individuals when they were not given any kind of notification that their placement on the U12 boys Pumas team was in question?  That is totally unethical.  

   I respectfully request that NTSSA pursue charges against David Arciniega and Kimberley Verity. I believe a thorough review of the A&D hearings held by GSA is also in order in light of this situation.  GSA offers no orientation or training to its new directors and its website and materials are not updated to reflect current practices.  That needs to be addressed as well.  

   Heather Dobrott
   U6 Girls Director Garland Soccer Association


   From: Heather Dobrott []
   Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 10:19 PM
   To: 'Rachel'
   Subject: NTSSA Hearing!

   Dear Rachel,

   Chris Kotschi called me from her office at 6:45. She thinks they will be scheduling a hearing for our cases as she has looked at the paperwork.  She had not seen #^&&* appeal, but will ask for that and look at it tomorrow.  She seemed quite surprised that we were not allowed to see David’s report to NTSSA about ^%&* and our team formation practices.
TxSoccer Postmaster
TxSoccer Postmaster

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US Youth Require A & D Decision Letter from David Arciniega? Empty Re: US Youth Require A & D Decision Letter from David Arciniega?

Post by Soapboxmom 13/07/16, 10:45 am

David Arciniega is trying to get me to agree to drop this issue. I bet the board has no idea what is going on behind the scenes. There are plenty of board members that know the decision letter on this or any A & D charge is required and that Arciniega cannot refuse to have it issued. Honest board members that fulfill their fiduciary duties according to state law would want this heard and dealt with according to the by-laws.

I will never let this issue be set aside. Arciniega is obviously in mortal fear of the consequences of this issue being adjudicated at hearing before NTSSA or US Youth as he flagrantly violated numerous by-laws and rules and filed this purely to harass me and the now Vice President of Garland Soccer.
TxSoccer Postmaster
TxSoccer Postmaster

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US Youth Require A & D Decision Letter from David Arciniega? Empty Re: US Youth Require A & D Decision Letter from David Arciniega?

Post by Soapboxmom 25/07/16, 11:04 am

From Us Youth Soccer's Facebook page:
United States Youth Soccer (US Youth Soccer)

July 1 at 10:54am·

This Friday marks our Director of Operations Rob Martella's final day at US Youth Soccer. His dedication to and passion for the game will surely be missed. Thank you for your hard work over the last 15 years!

July 25th US Youth Contact page:
Contact the National Office

US Youth Soccer National Headquarters
9220 World Cup Way
Frisco, TX 75033
1-800-4SOCCER (1-800-476-2237)
Fax: 972-334-9960
Staff Directory
For specific US Youth Soccer questions click the corresponding link:
General membership questions

US Youth Soccer ODP
US Youth Soccer National Championship Series (State, Regional and National Championships)
All the live links on the site that I highlighted in red under Membership and Programs go to Rob Martella's email. US Youth is so poorly run that weeks later they still don't have workable contact information up. Ridiculous!

From: Heather Dobrott []
Sent: Monday, June 08, 2015 11:11 AM
Subject: Garland Soccer Asociation

Dear Mr. Martella,

Thank you so much for making the time to speak with me. Garland Soccer is in crisis and US Youth Soccer very much needs to investigate and take appropriate action.

My son has a serious chronic medical condition and is tube fed elemental formula. He had to quit playing soccer after 6 wonderful years in November 2012. I had taken the F Clinic and coached a U12 team with him to keep it from being folded. As he was very sick, I needed to find a new coach for the team that spring. When the new head coach came in his son was placed on the team by the player pool. David Arciniega filed phony A & D charges against me and the U12 director and took us before a “board hearing” because he claimed we had “instructed” in the placement of a player and coach. There is no such thing as a board hearing as that is the level of appeal for an A & D charge. We have nothing to do with the player pool and would not be able to contact them. Why in the world would GSA not put children of the correct age with their coaching parents??? Why were we given no decision letter after NTSSA made it clear it is required? Why was our grievance not heard as we could not appeal without a letter?

There was serious conflict over having open board meetings. Proper documentation was routinely denied to the board by president Arciniega. David Arciniega would not respond to legitimate complaints from associations playing interleague with us and now Richardson, Wylie and Chamber Classic are gone and Plano will not invite us to join them. Our registration is unlike any other association’s and our seasons almost always start late and are very chaotic and unorganized. Our major league will not be able to play soon due to the low number of remaining teams. Our overall numbers keep dropping as well as coaches and parents are unhappy and leave.

When over 8 thousand dollars went missing Arciniega refused to provide the board any documentation whatsoever. He proceeded to lie to the coaches and spun a ridiculous tale about the software provider Jevin couldn’t pay us because of the payment processor Corduro. Arciniega brayed to the member coaches about Jevin having sued Corduro and that the litigation was ongoing and that the NTSSA lawyers said it must be kept secret. Since when is deliberately lying to the coaches acceptable? Several directors tried for the last 2 years to get answers on this.

I was brought up on a No Confidence Petition in August 2013 because in the May 2013 election I had spoken for the candidate running against Arciniega, demanded documentation on a serious money issue and had asked questions and filed a grievances with NTSSA in response to the A & D charges and other pressing issues. That was nothing more than pure harassment for doing my job as state law requires.

Elections have been rigged for years. That should be investigated, but filing a formal complaint with the VP was once again useless. She is afraid of David Arciniega and is prevented from doing her job. No action was taken and the VP knows that she can’t go to NTSSA for help. Arciniega can do whatever he wishes and knows he will never be held accountable.

I reported that a dangerous sex offender was married to a director who could not drive and that she was letting him handle rosters and other records and David Arciniega and NTSSA proceeded to out me to this dangerous offender in violation of the Whistleblowers Policy. The board is a hostile environment and Arciniega has always run it like a dictatorship.

The director with the sex offender husband had many more serious issues of which Arciniega was aware. Her home mysteriously burned down in 2013. She was bragging then of David Arciniega meeting her and her husband about doing construction work for GSA. My family decided to test out their business. They were paid in full for a stone job at our home. They had not costed that small job out correctly and we had to write another check so that they could purchase the materials to finish the job. I searched permits and the BBB and other sites and talked to many former customers who had paid them thousands of dollars only to have the money lost as the Martins left the jobs in shambles and unfinished. One customer told me of Mr. Martin’s sex offender status and was sure he had committed arson. I joined him in making a report to law enforcement. Their house mysteriously burned again 14 months later. Since the whistleblower’s policy had been once again ignored and I was outed to this dangerous offender and his wife apparently they fingered me for the fire. I was asked to take a polygraph. I asked NTSSA for a lawyer. I had already filed a formal written statement and agreed to help in any way possible, but a polygraph is reason to get good legal advice. NTSSA refused my request and I was intimidated again. So, are NTSSA and Arciniega going to actively discourage folks from cooperating with law enforcement now?

I sent in a formal request for the Vice President to check the attendance records of a director that it turned out had missed 62% of the meetings and see if she had to be removed as the by-laws state. I had sent my concern only to the VP. She forwarded it to Arciniega. He made sure the director in question got it and she publicly attacked me outside the field house during our fall tournament while David Arciniega looked on apparently amused. Once again he lied and told everyone present that I had sent it to the whole board. I told him that was nonsense and that these antics must stop. There is no ethics committee in GSA though the by-laws state one must be formed. The VP is terrified of Arciniega and once again would not file charges against him.

The infighting on the Garland Soccer board is destroying that association. Several of my then fellow directors were well aware of the lawsuit. They know the allegations are factual. They know the US Youth by-laws state Arciniega shall be removed. That should finally spur a real investigation into what has been going on in GSA and NTSSA. If the dishonest leadership gets removed perhaps those of us who truly care about these kids and coaches can save what is left and rebuild relationships with the neighboring associations so the major league players will still be able to play. It is inexcusable that these serious problems have been allowed to go unchecked for years.

There are so many serious challenges facing GSA Please complete the investigation that Mr. Sutter said was underway. There are many people with information that US Youth should be talking to. When is US Youth going to follow up with me for the names of those folks and for clarification and further documentation?

Please find following the documentation and discussion about those issues facing Garland Soccer:

Scandal / Corruption Garland Soccer Association / US Youth Soccer / North Texas State Soccer / David Arciniega

Thank you again.


Heather Dobrott
Former U6 Girls’ Director for Garland Soccer
Administrator for
Rob Martella dropped the ball. I went to US Youth June 16, 2015. I stopped in to ask why I wasn't getting a formal written response to my serious concerns. While driving in the car I got a call from CW33 and Fox and did two live interviews while I was at the vet's office with my precious bunny in Frisco. Youth Soccer is totally corrupt and mismanaged.
TxSoccer Postmaster
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