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OneSoccer Schools Summer Camp @GameOn August 7th-11th
OneSoccer Schools Summer Camp @GameOn August 7th-11th
AUGUST 7 – AUGUST 11, 2017, 8:30AM – 12:30PM
Join us for the most dynamic and educational soccer training program in the United States. OneSoccer Schools teaches players technical, tactical, physical and mental skills necessary to excel at the game and beat the competition, all while having fun and learning to be a great teammate.
Register Here
GameOn - 251 Settlement Plaza Dr. Ft Worth Tx
solefutbol- TxSoccer Poster
- Posts : 15
Points : 2817
Join date : 2017-02-14
Location : South Fort Worth
solefutbol- TxSoccer Poster
- Posts : 15
Points : 2817
Join date : 2017-02-14
Location : South Fort Worth