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2011/2010 indoor scrimmmage due to likely game rainout?
2011/2010 indoor scrimmmage due to likely game rainout?
We will likely be rained out tomorrow! I manage Pat Shepards 2011 Sting Team and are looking for a 2010 or very strong 2011 team to scrimmage indoor tomorrow. We called and the Pit Frisco has an 11am and 2pm time slot available for 4v4 field rental. We would split the cost between the two teams. No ref just looking for a good 4v4 scrimmage! Let me know if your're interested!
soccermom3x- TxSoccer Lurker
- Posts : 2
Points : 2766
Join date : 2017-06-28
» NTX Celtic FC 2011's and 2010's
» looking for 2010 and 2011 players
» Lincoln FC DFW 2010/2011
» Andromeda FC 2010/2011 Age Pure