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Solar 08 Llamas - Looking to Finalize Roster
Solar 08 Llamas - Looking to Finalize Roster
This is a great group of girls / parents.
Normal training is on M/W at Solar Allen Training Facility behind Cottonwood Creek Baptist Church from 6-7:30 PM at 1015 Sam Rayburn Tollway, Allen, Tx 75013.
Current training (thru the month of June only) is Mon/Thurs from 6-7:30 PM at 1015 Sam Rayburn Tollway, Allen, Tx 75013.
Coach has USSF B License and has produced many DA and ECNL several as well as several college players over his 12 years of coaching experience and 10 years of professional soccer experience. Please text/call manager at 214-215-1397 with any questions or Coach Llamas at 972-907-1142,
Cwooldridge- TxSoccer Poster
- Posts : 32
Points : 3136
Join date : 2016-07-27
» Solar 08 Llamas - Looking to add to roster
» 08 Solar Llamas - finalizing roster
» Expanding Roster Solar Llamas 08G
» Solar 08G Llamas