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Looking to replace a few looooosers..... Pixel
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Looking to replace a few looooosers.....

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Looking to replace a few looooosers..... Empty Looking to replace a few looooosers.....

Post by SuperCoach 20/08/18, 08:35 am

Helllo Soccer People,

It appears as though I've lost a few, shall we say..... lazy quitters. Apparently these whiney kids didn't like to themselves...…. in the dark because they were playing like loooooosers! I will need some replacements that aren't quitters, don't cry when they are called loooooosers, don't have crazy parents always sticking their nose in my soccer business and have younger mothers, under 30 please. Parents must be over 6' tall and have good teeth. I shall inspect the whole family at the tryout. If your dd stinks please don't show up! You know who you are.

That will be all.


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TxSoccer Postmaster

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Looking to replace a few looooosers..... Empty Re: Looking to replace a few looooosers.....

Post by Hat Trick Rick 20/08/18, 09:01 am

Time, Date, Location please?

I have a 3 year old I'm trying to get ready for next year's world cup and my DD has been slacking lately.... You sound like just the right kind of drill sergeant she needs to help her take Morgan's spot..... Regarding parent height, is that 6' requirement in cleats or barefoot?  We meet your requirement if we can measure up in cleats, if not we need to ask for an exception..................... our teeth are exceptional, almost like perfect rows of bright white chiclets. Please let me know about the height thing....... I hope it's not a deal breaker.........

Abracadabra, homes!
Hat Trick Rick
Hat Trick Rick
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