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Mattice 09 Boys - Looking for Players
Mattice 09 Boys - Looking for Players
Our organization Solar Mattice 09B is looking for two players for our upcoming outdoor 9 v 9 season. We train in the Frisco/Allen area 3 times a week, compete in 4 tournaments a season, perform futsal in the off-season, and engage in a variety of fun activities outside the training pitch.
If you are a rec player looking for a committed academy or a seasoned academy individual, our program offers a comprehensive training method that engages players in a variety of positions and prepares them to take the next step in their young soccer careers. Feel free to contact me via email or on my cell phone below if you are interested in knowing more about our program.
We look forward to seeing you on the pitch with us in the near future!
Kevin Mattice
kmattice- TxSoccer Lurker
- Posts : 3
Points : 2352
Join date : 2018-05-10
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