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Renegades 08 G North (Vaughn)
Renegades 08 G North (Vaughn)
Open sessions Tuesdays (6-7:30) Thursdays (7-8:30)
Harold Bacchus Park in Frisco
Great group of girls and families
Talented team with 2-3 spots for hard working determined players looking for a unique soccer experience.
Roger Vaughn
This group worked very hard and improved greatly and ended the year ranked 21st in North Texas.
Renegades Soccer Club open training is open to all 2008 girls looking for a unique soccer experience and interested in being part of an exciting future and wonderful soccer family culture.
For more information at visit us at
Thank you.
Stingvaughn- TxSoccer Poster
- Posts : 47
Points : 2141
Join date : 2019-05-30
» Renegades 08G North (Vaughn)
» Renegades Vaughn
» Renegades Vaughn GCL D1
» Renegades Vaughn 08 G