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FC DESOTO new team

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FC DESOTO new team Empty FC DESOTO new team

Post by Kedrick 21/07/19, 01:37 pm

FC Desoto is trying to form a new team of 2011 girls. We have a couple of girls who are playing up and I wanted to see if I could find enough girls to form a second team. Last season we went 10 and 0. We scores 56 goals and only had 4 goals against. We played recreational and this season we are looking to move up to tougher competition in Arlington Academy league. We practice two to three times a week and each player is expected to attend a couple of one on one session with coach thru out the season. Our goal is to ensure each player has improved. Most of our girls are around the intermediate level. We are missing a dedicated striker and our center defensive back moved this summer.

if interested contact coach k or maricela at
832 577 6623 or 903 316 4910. you can call or text.


TxSoccer Lurker
TxSoccer Lurker

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