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Renegades Soccer Club 2011G Frisco area Pixel
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Renegades Soccer Club 2011G Frisco area

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Renegades Soccer Club 2011G Frisco area Empty Renegades Soccer Club 2011G Frisco area

Post by Renegades Soccer Club 08/01/20, 03:10 pm


Renegades Soccer Club is currently looking to fill that final 1-2 spots on a few teams for the upcoming Spring 2019 season. Centrally based with trainings held at The Pit Plano, UTD College and Foro Sports. Great opportunities for your family to be apart of our program. Reach out to set up an upcoming training that fits your schedule.

For more information

To build a leading, sustainable development model to grow the number of players that develop a life-long passion for the game by providing enhanced opportunities for all players regardless of age or ability.

Clubs thrive when transparency exists between parents, coaches and administrators. Coaches thrive when clubs are united in their support, cultivating in them a passion for teaching the game.
Players thrive when surrounded by Coaches who love to teach and friends who love to play the game.

To help all players, regardless of background, age, or level of play to achieve their fullest potential and develop a life-long passion for the game. By organizing community members to promote the sport of soccer, and by attracting top coaches and making them long term partners, our goal is to build a Coach + Community environment of learning through dedication and team work.​
We understand that our responsibility is to educate and guide future leaders. Renegades Soccer measures true success not just by wins and losses but through the growth and development of the people throughout the organization.

To create a comprehensive system for player and team development.
By establishing coaches in age-appropriate player progression cycles we maximize the strengths and talents of each coach at a particular stage of player development.

Reach out today to schedule a training that fits your schedule.
Renegades Soccer Club
Renegades Soccer Club
TxSoccer Postmaster
TxSoccer Postmaster

Posts : 338
Points : 3703
Join date : 2016-08-22
Location : Dallas

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Renegades Soccer Club 2011G Frisco area Empty Re: Renegades Soccer Club 2011G Frisco area

Post by Renegades Soccer Club 08/01/20, 03:11 pm


Renegades Soccer Club is currently looking to fill that final 1-2 spots on a few teams for the upcoming Spring 2020 season. Frisco based with trainings held at Harold Bacchus Park and other surrounding areas. Great opportunities for your family to be apart of our program. Reach out to set up an upcoming training that fits your schedule.

For more information

To build a leading, sustainable development model to grow the number of players that develop a life-long passion for the game by providing enhanced opportunities for all players regardless of age or ability.

Clubs thrive when transparency exists between parents, coaches and administrators. Coaches thrive when clubs are united in their support, cultivating in them a passion for teaching the game.
Players thrive when surrounded by Coaches who love to teach and friends who love to play the game.

To help all players, regardless of background, age, or level of play to achieve their fullest potential and develop a life-long passion for the game. By organizing community members to promote the sport of soccer, and by attracting top coaches and making them long term partners, our goal is to build a Coach + Community environment of learning through dedication and team work.​
We understand that our responsibility is to educate and guide future leaders. Renegades Soccer measures true success not just by wins and losses but through the growth and development of the people throughout the organization.

To create a comprehensive system for player and team development.
By establishing coaches in age-appropriate player progression cycles we maximize the strengths and talents of each coach at a particular stage of player development.

Reach out today to schedule a training that fits your schedule.
Renegades Soccer Club
Renegades Soccer Club
TxSoccer Postmaster
TxSoccer Postmaster

Posts : 338
Points : 3703
Join date : 2016-08-22
Location : Dallas

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