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Post by Texas Spurs 08G 29/05/20, 05:22 pm

Texas Spurs 08G are looking to add a few players as we expand our roster with the transition from 9v9 to 11v11. We have an amazing group of girls and parents who love the game and are really supportive of each other. Our girls come from the surrounding cities: Frisco, McKinney, Plano, Allen, Prosper, etc.

Team philosophy: Our team focuses on individual skills and stresses the "control" style, which focuses on skills and possession, verses the more conventional "direct" approach, which stresses sending the ball and relying on speed and individual talent. We want each of our girls to truly learn how to play and understand the game and not just a play position.

Practices: We practice this Wednesdays and Thursday, 6:30-8pm at MJP (Michael Johnson Performance Center) located near Alma Rd and HWY 121. Actual practice times will be approx 50mins as we will schedule two separate training times within the scheduled practice time. We anticipate returning fully to in person team practices in the next week or two as the soccer associations and Texas Governor allow.

Things our club offers that help separates us from other clubs:
  - Coaches: Each team has a designated assistant coach. This offers another perspective to help maximize each player's development.
  - Fields: We offer traditional grass fields and "all weather" lighted turf training fields.
  - Speed and Agility Training: Each team undergoes exclusive Speed and Agility training at Michael Johnson Performance Center with their certified instructors.
  - Additional training: Skills and shooting specific training most Fridays. We also typically hold additional practices most Saturdays during season play of no games scheduled.
  - Keepers: dedicated keeper training in addition to team specific training with a dedicated keeper coach
  - Fees: Full club experience with significantly reduced fees (we average about 1/3 less that most big clubs)
  - Uniforms: We offer a wide variety for uniform experiences. We have four game-time uniforms. Two are long sleeves with and optional third.
  - Play: In addition to league play, we play tournaments, indoor/futsal, friendlies and scrimmages.
  - Camps: Every summer we offer skills training camps specifically tailored to each age group.
  - Semi-pro teams exposure: The Texas Spurs have both a men's UPSL and women's WPSL team. Home games are played locally and our players and encouraged to attend and learn form their older role modes. Several of our head and assistant coaches currently play on these teams.
  - Culture: We offer more of a family culture that is more than just soccer. The club sponsors a Fall and Spring club family get together to reinforce our "work hard and have fun" moto.
  - Community experience: Each team takes part in a community outreach event during the Fall and Spring to help give back to those in need.
  - Feedback: Each player will be evaluated and formal feedback provided via player evaluations during the season.

Tryout form: If interested, please fill out the new player tryout form at the following link:
If this sound like something y'all are interested in, we'd love to have y’all join us to meet our amazing girls and see what we have to offer!

Hope to meet y'all soon!

Coach Matthew Kemball-Cook
Texas Spurs 08G
Work Hard & Have Fun!
Texas Spurs 08G
Texas Spurs 08G
TxSoccer Poster
TxSoccer Poster

Posts : 28
Points : 3085
Join date : 2016-10-11
Location : Prosper, Tx

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Post by Texas Spurs 08G 01/06/20, 01:58 pm

If your looking for a fun skills based camp for your girls, please bring them out to experience our annual summer camp sessions. These camps are designed for individual players that will focus on technique, small sided games, repetitive skill, competition, and enjoyment.

Coach Matthew Kemball-Cook
Texas Spurs 08G
Work Hard & Have Fun!
Texas Spurs 08G
Texas Spurs 08G
TxSoccer Poster
TxSoccer Poster

Posts : 28
Points : 3085
Join date : 2016-10-11
Location : Prosper, Tx

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Post by Texas Spurs 08G 08/06/20, 06:21 pm

Open practices return to Michael Johnson Performance Center:
Wednesday & Thursday 6:30-8pm
Visit our website for more information:

Coach Matthew Kemball-Cook
Texas Spurs 08G
Work Hard & Have Fun!
Texas Spurs 08G
Texas Spurs 08G
TxSoccer Poster
TxSoccer Poster

Posts : 28
Points : 3085
Join date : 2016-10-11
Location : Prosper, Tx

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