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Dallas Legends FC NEW GIRLS 2011 TEAM
Dallas Legends FC NEW GIRLS 2011 TEAM
joining us for summer league will be a great way to try us out for $125 p/player you would get 8 games , 8 practices (minimum) and a jersey .Also we are big belivers in co-oed teams at the young ages as it really helps with development of both sets of players boys and girls .
so in recap it be 8 games and practices and a jersey for $125 in a 4v4 format of 3 field players and a gk .
These teams will also be playing in outdoor league this coming Fall , leagues are undecided still as of yet but we are looking at Pit Leagues , U90Rpl and City Futsal fall league . All these leagues fit in with our core coaching philosophy of coaching the individual within the team envirnoment and by going through the ladder of age appropriate sided games of 4/5/7/9 and ultimatley leading to the main 11 a side , when they are old enough and ready.
CONTACT BEN @ for any more information you may need .