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Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County) - Page 2 Pixel
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Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County)

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Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County)

Post by Ronaldhinofan 06/01/13, 10:33 pm

Welcome back from the Holiday Season. It was a beautiful day for soccer and we had an outstanding turnout for our Fever United 3 v 3 pick-up League! We saw over 130 players between the hours of 3:00P.M. - 5:00P.M. We are looking forward to providing more available fields for a bigger turn out next weekend. The next opportunity to participate in the Fever United 3 v 3 League will be Sunday January 13, 2013 at the Colleyville Middle School. We hope to see you and your family out there.

Thank you for the continued support!

Fever United Management

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Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County)

Post by Fever United 03 Phiri 10/01/13, 02:19 pm

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Fever United 03 Phiri
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Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County)

Post by Ronaldhinofan 13/01/13, 09:43 am

The Fever United 3 v 3 League will resume as scheduled today. '04 age groups and younger play from 3pm-4pm. '03 and older age groups play from 4pm-5pm. It's a little cold out there, but it shouldn't be cold enough to stop players from getting extra touches on the ball. We hope to see you out there today! Bundle up.


Fever United Management

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Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County) - Page 2 Empty Are teams formed at the event?

Post by dribble 13/01/13, 12:32 pm

Hi, Are there instances of kids showing up without teams and teams are formed with appropriate age group?

My dd is 03, not sure we could get a team of 3 players, today.

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Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County)

Post by Tiki-taka 13/01/13, 04:51 pm

dribble wrote:Hi, Are there instances of kids showing up without teams and teams are formed with appropriate age group?

My dd is 03, not sure we could get a team of 3 players, today.

Definitely, the whole idea is just show up and play, school yard style. Bring teams, or show up individually. At the beginning, Coach Penn asks for those girls not with a 3 member or 4 member team to come forward and he puts them together by age, as close as possible.

Hope y'all had fun today. We missed due to homework and studying for tests.

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Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County)

Post by dribble 13/01/13, 06:06 pm

Tiki-taka wrote:
dribble wrote:Hi, Are there instances of kids showing up without teams and teams are formed with appropriate age group?

My dd is 03, not sure we could get a team of 3 players, today.

Definitely, the whole idea is just show up and play, school yard style. Bring teams, or show up individually. At the beginning, Coach Penn asks for those girls not with a 3 member or 4 member team to come forward and he puts them together by age, as close as possible.

Hope y'all had fun today. We missed due to homework and studying for tests.

Thanks Tiki-taka.

We missed it as well. Looking forward for next week.

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Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County)

Post by Ronaldhinofan 13/01/13, 11:00 pm

Tiki Taka thank you for your assistance. We missed you and your players out there today. Hopefully we will see you next week.

The Fever United Futbol club would like to thank the parents that came out and braved the cold weather with us today during the Fever United 3 v 3 Pickup League. We had a good showing of 50-60 players today. I think once the players started moving more during the games they forgot about the weather. The club will be having its last Fever United 3 v 3 Pick-Up League games on January 20 from 3:00pm-5:00pm. We hope to see you and your family out at the fields to help support the development of our youth soccer community. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Fever United Management

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Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County)

Post by copa44 15/01/13, 06:40 am

I brought my 04 girl out on Sunday and she was put on a team with 3 Fever girls. By the end of the first game they were fast friends and played together great, she had a blast! We also brought 4 boys from my 02 team out, they figured out the passing after they got stomped in the first game by some 15-16 yo girls. Wish we could have made it sooner, all the kids had a blast and we will be there for the last day!

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Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County)

Post by Ronaldhinofan 15/01/13, 11:43 am

Copa44 thank you for the support last weekend! We are looking forward to seeing you and your players out there again for our last Fever United 3 v 3 pickup league games this weekend. The weather is calling for sunshine so it should be a good time for parents and players.

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Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County)

Post by Ronaldhinofan 18/01/13, 06:06 pm


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Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County)

Post by Ronaldhinofan 20/01/13, 01:52 am

Bump cheers

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Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County)

Post by Ronaldhinofan 20/01/13, 09:54 am


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Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County)

Post by soccerknurd 20/01/13, 11:56 am

What time are these games and what age groups can play? I have an '05 and '08.

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Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County)

Post by Ronaldhinofan 20/01/13, 12:03 pm

Soccerknurd the 3 v 3 Fever United league will run pickup games from 3:00P.M.-4:00P.M. for Boys and Girls '07 - '04 age groups. Boys and Girls age groups '03 and older will play from 4:00P.M.-5:00P.M.

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Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County)

Post by Ronaldhinofan 13/05/13, 02:33 pm

Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County) - Page 2 Clip_i13

The Fever United Futbol Club will be starting the Summer session of the 3 v 3 Pick - Up League at the Colleyville Middle School Stadium (Pictured above) on Sunday June 9, 2013 from 3:00P.M. - 4:00P.M. for '04 Boys/Girls Age Groups and younger. 4:00P.M. - 5:00P.M. for '03 Boys/Girls Age Groups and older. Additionally, the league will run pick up games on the following dates pending weather condition:

  • Sunday June 9, 2013 @ Colleyville Middle School Stadium
  • Sunday June 16, 2013 @ Colleyville Middle School Stadium
  • Sunday June 23, 2013 @ Colleyville Middle School Stadium
  • Sunday June 30, 2013 @ Colleyville Middle School Stadium
  • Sunday July 7, 2013 @ Colleyville Middle School Stadium
  • Sunday July 14, 2013 @ Colleyville Middle School Stadium
  • Sunday July 21, 2013 @ Colleyville Middle School Stadium
  • Sunday August 4, 2013 @ Colleyville Middle School Stadium
  • Sunday August 11, 2013 @ Colleyville Middle School Stadium

We are looking forward to having a great time and seeing some new faces out at the games. PM me if you have any further questions or concerns cheers


Fever United Management

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Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County)

Post by Ronaldhinofan 20/05/13, 11:54 am


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Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County)

Post by Fever United 03 Phiri 21/05/13, 04:56 pm

Bump cheers
Fever United 03 Phiri
Fever United 03 Phiri
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Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County)

Post by Ronaldhinofan 21/05/13, 11:43 pm


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Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County)

Post by Fever United 03 Phiri 23/05/13, 04:07 pm

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Fever United 03 Phiri
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Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County)

Post by Fever United 03 Phiri 28/05/13, 01:47 pm

Bump Very Happy
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Fever United 03 Phiri
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Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County)

Post by Fever United 03 Phiri 06/06/13, 12:13 am

Fever United Futbol Club is glad to announce the beginning of its 2013 Free 3v3 starting this Sunday June 9th. We are expecting a huge turnout as we did last Winter. So if you looking for extra touches throughout the summer at no cost at a state of the art facility, bring your daughter or son out. Details are as follows:

Fever United 3 v 3 League Dates and Times:

Sunday June 9, 2013 at CMS from 3:00P.M. - 5:00P.M.
Sunday June 16, 2013 at CMS from 3:00P.M. - 5:00P.M.
Sunday June 23, 2013 at CMS from 3:00P.M. - 5:00P.M.
Sunday June 30, 2013 at CMS from 3:00P.M. - 5:00P.M.
Sunday July 7, 2013 at CMS from 3:00P.M. - 5:00P.M.
Sunday July 14, 2013 at CMS from 3:00P.M. - 5:00P.M.
Sunday July 21, 2013 at CMS from 3:00P.M. - 5:00P.M.
Sunday August 4, 2013 at CMS from 3:00P.M. - 5:00P.M.
Sunday August 11, 2013 at CMS from 3:00P.M. - 5:00P.M.
Sunday August 18, 2013 at CMS from 3:00P.M. - 5:00P.M.
Sunday August 25, 2013 at CMS from 3:00P.M. - 5:00P.M.

Fever United 3 v 3 League Rules and Format -

Cost: Free for members within the club and members outside of the club.

League Rules: Parents are not allowed on the field. They must sit in the stands and no sideline coaching will be tolerated. These 3 v 3 games must allow the player to think for themselves without any outside instruction. The players will form their own 3 v 3 Team. The coaching staff will ensure that every player has the opportunity to play in these games. Coaching Staff will serve as moderators for the games to ensure play is consistent. Coaches are not allowed to coach. We are only allowed to observe and motivate the players. If there are a surplus of players over our maximum capacity, they will have to wait to play the winner of any given game before they are able to effectively compete. Each pickup game will last approximately 5 minutes. The team with the most points after 5 minutes stay on the field and a new team comes on to face the winner. Winners will stay on the field until they are defeated. We want to encourage a pick-up game atmosphere where more playing time is based upon winning. If you stay on the field.

Number of fields available: There will be eight 3 v 3 fields available to play on if we can accommodate 4 small fields on each half of the turf field. The turf field will successfully accommodate up to 48 players competing at one time. We will line each field off using orange or red cones for the boundaries.

League Time: Games will run from 3:00P.M. - 5:00P.M every Sunday weather pending. The following age groups will play from 3:00P.M. - 4:00P.M: '08 - '04 Boys and Girls. The following age groups will play from 4:00P.M. - 5:00P.M: '03 - '00 Boys and Girls


Fever United Management
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Fever United 03 Phiri
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Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County)

Post by Ronaldhinofan 09/06/13, 12:57 pm

The weather has not affected our plans today. We are still scheduled to hold the Fever United 3 v 3 Pickup League from 3:00PM-5:00PM at Colleyville Middle School. CMS is located at 1100 Bogart Lane Colleyville, TX 76034. If your schedule is free we look forward to seeing you out there. It's turned into a beautiful day for soccer. Enjoy your day!


Fever United Management

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Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County)

Post by Ronaldhinofan 16/06/13, 07:20 am

The Fever United Futbol Club will NOT be holding the 3 v 3 Pick up League on Sunday June 16 due to the Fathers Day Holiday. We will resume our 3 v 3 League on Sunday June 23 @ CMS. Enjoy your weekend and we wish all the fathers a Happy Fathers Day!


Fever United Management

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Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County)

Post by Ronaldhinofan 23/06/13, 06:36 am

The Fever United 3 v 3 Pick-up League will resume today from 3:00PM-5:00PM at Colleyville Middle School. '04 Age groups and younger will play from 3:00PM-4:00PM and '03 Age groups and older will play from 4:00PM-5:00PM.

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Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County)

Post by soccermom25 26/06/13, 08:46 pm

Looking forward to bring my daughter out. We have been told that she needs more touches and I think this will really help her.

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Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fever United Futbol Club 3 v 3 League (Tarrant County)

Post by Ronaldhinofan 30/06/13, 09:46 am

We will be holding our Fever United 3 v 3 Pick up League from 3:00P.M. - 5:00P.M. at the Colleyville Middle School today. Hope to see you out there!

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