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Soccer Statz 2.0 for iPhone/iPad Pixel
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Soccer Statz 2.0 for iPhone/iPad

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Soccer Statz 2.0 for iPhone/iPad Empty Soccer Statz 2.0 for iPhone/iPad

Post by soccerstatz 21/01/14, 03:48 pm

Soccer Statz 2.0 can now be downloaded from the App Store free of charge.  The app was designed by a North Texas soccer Dad with the intent of creating a tool that allows users to gather meaningful statistics on possession and field activity without destroying the game experience.

App Features:

* Possession by team and field area.
* Playing time by player (optional)
* Penetrations on 18 YB
* Fouls by player or general
* Corner kicks
* Goal Kicks and goal kicks won
* On field turnovers by field area
* Strength Indicator by Team, gives a single number logged each minute for each team to show relative quality of play
* Reporting across multiple games
* E-Mail finished games to others and keep team/club database.


After much tinkering I arrived on an interface that features two tracks colored for uniforms of each team.  This was found to be the easiest way to enter possession whilst allowing the user to still enjoy the game.  Let's face it we're their to watch soccer not have our heads buried in an iPad for over an hour.  Though it takes a little practice to get going, it is pretty straight forward.  

Recommendations for Using Soccer Statz 2.0:

I recommend you try scoring some games on TV before using it on the pitch here in NTX.  I suggest you try say 3 MLS/Premier matches first.  You can even compare your statistics to those given by the screen.

The iPad is nice from a readability standpoint, but the iPhone is completely useable and even preferable by some due to it's light very small interface that requires little hand movement.  

Position yourself at the center of the field whenever scoring and if possible stand or find higher ground.   Even small amounts of elevation help the scoring process.

Share your games with others.  You'll find your work is appreciated and folks love to understand how things are going.  Plot the Strength Indicator (SI) values and graph them.  Just go to the reports section and look for Strength Indicator.  The report can be graphed on your Apple device or send it to your PC/Mac and load in your spreadsheet.  Seeing the SI change is really cool.  See if you can spot trends game to game that point at fitness issues, lineup change impact or formation change impact.

Use the Help System.  Go into Help mode and press on the field and information comes up about each field object.  There are some nice tips in there as well.

There is an optional sound capability that gives audio inputs as to what buttons you are pushing.  You might want to try this, but make sure your team is the home team if you do.

If you'd like a sample game mailed to you or some advice on how to use the application for you team or club, send a request to
TxSoccer Lurker
TxSoccer Lurker

Posts : 8
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Join date : 2013-04-23

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Soccer Statz 2.0 for iPhone/iPad Empty Re: Soccer Statz 2.0 for iPhone/iPad

Post by soccerstatz 28/08/14, 08:31 pm

Version 3.0 has been launched. For current users downloading, delete your current install before installing the new one. If you have games to save, email them to yourself and then import them by clicking on the ss icon on each email.

New for this version is the ability to load positions against players in SUBSTITUTION and the ability to go to Training Field as well. With Training Field you can show formations, pass and kick the ball to players and move back to the SUBSTITUTION screen. Use Apple TV and you can see the plays on the big screen. Trading Field was developed as a coaching aid primarily but also serves as a proof of concept for a possible arcade game that would link the statistics view, formation strategy and gaming skills.

The main menu on statistics field was improved. From statistics field, press SUBSTITUTION and the press training field or go back to statistics field. Remember that players must be "on field" and be assigned a field position to show on the training field.

A bug fix with the SI report was fixed.

A sample game (Argentina v Germany up to end of regular time) is included in the download.

Enjoy 3.0 and forward any comments or suggestions to
TxSoccer Lurker
TxSoccer Lurker

Posts : 8
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Join date : 2013-04-23

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Soccer Statz 2.0 for iPhone/iPad Empty Re: Soccer Statz 2.0 for iPhone/iPad

Post by sendit 02/09/14, 09:57 am

no longer free of charge?
TxSoccer Poster
TxSoccer Poster

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Soccer Statz 2.0 for iPhone/iPad Empty Re: Soccer Statz 2.0 for iPhone/iPad

Post by SoccerDad2002 02/09/14, 12:04 pm

I actually was going to say the same thing. I show it as $0.99

TxSoccer Postmaster
TxSoccer Postmaster

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Soccer Statz 2.0 for iPhone/iPad Empty Re: Soccer Statz 2.0 for iPhone/iPad

Post by soccerstatz 27/09/14, 11:44 pm

Version 3.0 will remain free, Search for Soccer-statz in the App Store. The web site has been updated as well. Future versions may be sold, but 3.0 will not.
TxSoccer Lurker
TxSoccer Lurker

Posts : 8
Points : 4318
Join date : 2013-04-23

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Soccer Statz 2.0 for iPhone/iPad Empty Re: Soccer Statz 2.0 for iPhone/iPad

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