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Sparta FC 08 - Your DD signs, Your DD plays! Pixel
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Sparta FC 08 - Your DD signs, Your DD plays!

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Sparta FC 08 - Your DD signs, Your DD plays! Empty Sparta FC 08 - Your DD signs, Your DD plays!

Post by Fever United Wright 05/07/18, 12:53 am

Still looking for a team and/or haven't signed yet? Looking for a team where the coaching is about development and the enjoyment of the competitive spirit within the game of soccer? Don't want to break the bank to do it? Come check us out!

Sparta FC is still having Open Tryouts next week on 7/9 and 7/11 from 6-7:30pm.
Location: Sparta FC Practice Complex @ 460 S. Dobson, Burleson TX. 76028 (Pretty much 30 minutes from a lot of places in the DFW area)

Whether it is an individual player with interest or a group of players wanting to stay together, we have the roster spots!
Core is in place, just looking for depth. No seniority on this team. If your DD outworks an established player at a position, they earn the time. Period. Looking to build on what our U16 Elite squad has accomplished. Again, come and see.

Feel free to contact us:
Coach, Casey Wright - (817)991-5248 or
Team Manager, Maria Wright - (817)903-2804 or
Fever United Wright
Fever United Wright
TxSoccer Poster
TxSoccer Poster

Posts : 67
Points : 4064
Join date : 2014-04-21
Location : Burleson, TX. 76028

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Sparta FC 08 - Your DD signs, Your DD plays! Empty Open Tryouts/Private Workouts

Post by Fever United Wright 05/07/18, 11:57 pm

If your DD has a schedule conflict and the posted dates of 7/9 & 7/11 practices cannot be attended, please reach out and let me know and I will hold a small-sided workout or a private workout to evaluate a potential recruit on any day of the week from now until slightly following next week's tryouts. Just let us know.

817-991-5248 or

Sparta FC 08 Girls
Fever United Wright
Fever United Wright
TxSoccer Poster
TxSoccer Poster

Posts : 67
Points : 4064
Join date : 2014-04-21
Location : Burleson, TX. 76028

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