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Texas Tomorrow Funds Empty Texas Tomorrow Funds

Post by Coach Jim 23/05/19, 05:17 pm

If any parent is on this site it's because they care about their kid or kids. I just received back a check for overpaying into the Texas Tomorrow Fund on our two kids that graduated. The thing I wanted to share with you is that most soccer parents I meet don't know about this.

The best thing about this college fund is that it locks in your rate the year you enroll. For example - If you son or daughter is ten years old it would lock them in at the cost of 2019 which will be a savings right there! Our kids started at 1992 and 1995 and the cost we saved on just enrolling them in that year was beneficial.

It's a great way to push money as you need to into this account for them. I hear it's even available to forward extra cash using an app to the fund.

Other states will take the Texas Tomorrow Fund. Our son went to Arkansas and my friend's daughter learned that Mississippi and Oklahoma also take the Texas Tomorrow Fund.

I just wanted to share this with you since it was a blessing that we too were told about this from another soccer connection in the early years of our kids journey on the pitch. Just Google Texas Tomorrow Fund and consider that savings plan for your kids. If they never use it you get the money back.

For the kids!

Coach Jim

Coach Jim
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Texas Tomorrow Funds Empty Re: Texas Tomorrow Funds

Post by MurderWasTheCase 23/05/19, 05:46 pm

Thank you for sharing!

TxSoccer Postmaster
TxSoccer Postmaster

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